☆Johnnie Get's Roofied!☆

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[ CW: being drUgged, partying, heavy drinking, v0mit ]


Johnnie was sitting at the bar area. Scrolling on his phone. His drink a few feet away from him. The music is loud and blasting as usual. People were screaming and partying.

Johnnie didn't know where Jake went so he was just sitting at the bar area, on his phone and minding his own business.

Jake walks up to the bar and orders a drink. He sits down next to Johnnie, looking at him and the drink in his hand. He takes a sip of his drink, and looks over at Johnnie. "Hey, you good?"

Johnnie lifted his head. "Mhm." He hums in reply as he looks back down at his phone. Which Jake just shrugged it off. He knows Johnnie can be a bit awkward at social situations, so he decided to leave the emo be for a little while.

Johnnie watched Jake leave. But didn't mind. He continues to scroll. What he doesn't know, is that a random stranger - a older man - slipped some Rohypnol into his drink.

Johnnie picks up his drink. Unknowingly it was drugged as he takes a swig of it. He sighed in content as he felt the alcohol go down his throat, but was unknown to the drug.

The older man watched Johnnie from a distance, a sly smile on his face as he saw him drink the drugged drink. He waited patiently, watching as Johnnie began to feel the effects of the drug.

Johnnie suddenly felt a wave of dizziness. He felt his vision blur as he looked at his hands. "What the fuck..?"

The older man saw Johnnie's reaction and took it as a sign that the drug was working. He slowly made his way over to Johnnie, pretending to be concerned. "Hey, are you okay?"

Johnnie looked over. But he couldn't make out the man's face. He groans as his eyes got all glazed over.

The older man saw the glazed look in Johnnie's eyes and knew that the drug was working perfectly. He put a hand on Johnnie's shoulder, pretending to help him steady himself. "You don't look too good. Maybe you should sit down."

"Maybe, yeah." Johnnie stumbled as he sat back down. Holding his head in his hands. His emo bangs fell over his eyes as he felt nauseated.

The older man took a seat next to Johnnie, still pretending to be concerned. He gently placed a hand on Johnnie's back, rubbing it soothingly. "Just relax, take deep breaths. You're going to be okay."

"I.. i don't know where my - my friend went." Johnnie slurred as his breaths are all shallow.

The older man continued to rub Johnnie's back, his hand slowly moving lower. "Your friend? I didn't see anyone with you. You were alone."

Johnnie was trying to comtinue to talk but he started to get more incoherent. He was starting to talk but it turned into babbles of non-existent words.

The older man watched as Johnnie became more incoherent, a satisfied smirk on his face. He leaned in closer to Johnnie, his hand moving even lower. "Shhh, it's okay. Just relax and let me take care of you."

That's when Jake walked over, noticing what was going on.

The older man noticed Jake approaching and quickly removed his hand from Johnnie's back. He turned to face Jake, trying to act innocent. "Is there a problem?"

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