☆Haunted Hotel☆

196 4 6

cw; spooky stuff, paranormal activity.


Jake is driving Johnnie and himself to one of the most haunted hotels in LA. "Dude, this- this is gonna be fun, trust me."

Johnnie rolled his eyes as Jake drove, a mix of excitement and anxiety filling him. He wasn't a huge fan of haunted places, but he trusted Jake."If you say so," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Jake laughs, "Relaaaax, we're almost there." He replied as he stopped at a red light.

Johnnie couldn't help but feel a little anxious as the car came to a stop. He looked out the window, watching the buildings pass by.

"I'm trying," he said, his voice a little shaky. He fidgeted with his hands in his lap.
"Just promise me we won't stay there for too long."

"Uhh.." Jake laughed nervously. "I'd planned for us to stay the entire night there." He replied as he begins to drive again when the light changed.

Johnnie's eyes widened in surprise and horror."The entire fucking night?!" he exclaimed, turning to look at Jake."You can't be serious. I thought we were just gonna spend a few hours there and then leave."

"Nope!" Jake laughed as he switches lanes, getting in the correct lane to drive to the hotel.

Johnnie groaned and slumped back in his seat, his heart racing with a mix of fear and annoyance."You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're just waiting for me to start screaming like a little girl."

"Hey, we're both gonna be screaming." Jake laughed, "Lighten up, it'll be okay." He replied as they approached the hotel. Jake parked the car.

Johnnie reluctantly got out of the car, his legs feeling like jelly. He looked up at the hotel, a chill running down his spine as he took in the old, creepy building.

"This is a terrible fucking idea," he muttered under his breath, following Jake towards the entrance.

Jake wrapped his arm around Johnnie. "Stop being so moody! They got food service here." He winked as they go inside.

Johnnie rolled his eyes but secretly appreciated the comfort of Jake's arm around him. He took a deep breath, trying to shake off his nerves.

"Food service, huh?" Johnnie said, attempting to sound casual. "Guess that's one way to make this experience a little less terrifying."

"Yeah!" Jake lets go and runs himself to the front, getting their hotel key and talking with the staff.

Johnnie watched as Jake ran up to the front desk, feeling a pang of jealousy. He wanted to stay close to Jake, but he didn't want to seem clingy.

The emo shifted awkwardly on his feet, looking around the lobby. The old-fashioned decor and dim lighting only added to the eerie atmosphere.

Jake came back. "Ok, so let's see the room and then get the food. Apparently there's a buffet!!!" He beams and begins to jump around.

Johnnie couldn't help but smile at Jake's enthusiasm. He couldn't help but find it endearing, even in this creepy setting.

"A buffet, huh?" Johnnie repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Sounds like you're more excited about the food than the haunted hotel."

"Of course!! I love to try new things! and the SWEETS!" Jake's mouth dropped, "Oh my god, c'mon lets hurry and see the room first!!!" He grabbed Johnnie's tatted hand and tugged him towards the elevator.

Johnnie chuckled as Jake dragged him towards the elevator, his heart skipping a beat at the touch of their hands.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" he said, trying to keep up with Jake's excitement.

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