☆Alcoholic Jake☆

157 7 2

Request: auauaau22

TW: heavy drinking, fighting, arguing behaviors, breakage of objects !, vomiting

[ Jake and Johnnie are a couple and have an intense fight about Jake's drinking habits ]


Jake stumbled inside of the house, a bottle of vodka in his hand as he kicked the door shut with his foot. It made a loud thud as the door slammed closed.

"Hi, Baby!" Jake slurred as he noticed Johnnie, his boyfriend - on the couch.

Johnnie had been watching TV, he looked up and chuckled as he saw his boyfriend drunkenly stumble into the house.

"Hey, babe," he said, getting up from the couch and walking over to Jake. "Looks like someone's had a little too much to drink."

"No way!" Jake denied, pushing past Johnnie and heading towards the kitchen.

Johnnie chuckled again and followed him into the kitchen, watching as Jake opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You're definitely drunk, babe. You can barely walk straight," He teased, leaning against the counter.

Jake huffed and turned to face Johnnie, a pout on his face."I'm not drunk," He insisted, crossing his arms."I can handle my alcohol just fine."

Johnnie's expression changed to one of concern as he realized that Jake's drunkenness was becoming a problem.
"Babe, maybe you should sit down. You're not acting like yourself."

"Oh shut up!" Jake suddenly exclaimed, "I have been drinking everyday, and it hasn't been any different!" He sets the bottle of water on the counter and opened the fridge, grabbing another bottle of vodka instead.

Johnnie's eyes widened in surprise and worry as Jake grabbed the vodka.

"Babe, no! You've had enough to drink. You need to stop."
He tried to take the bottle away from Jake, but his boyfriend was stronger than him in this state.

"You think you can make me?! HUH?" Jake got into Johnnie's face, "I know how much i can and can't handle, Johnnie!"

Johnnie took a step back, feeling a little intimidated by Jake's aggressive tone.
"I know you think you know your limits, but you're not thinking clearly right now. You're drunk and emotional. You need to calm down and put the bottle down."

"Whatever," Jake walked off, stumbling a bit as he drinks out of the new bottle of alcohol he just opened. He sits down on the couch, drinking and watching TV.

Johnnie watched as Jake walked away and sat down on the couch, concern etched on his face. He knew that Jake can be stubborn, but this was getting out of hand.

He walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, gently taking the bottle away from his hand."Babe, please. You're going to make yourself sick if you keep drinking like this."

"Hey!" Jake ripped the bottle out of Johnnie's hand, "I'm trying to relax here! Why don't you-i don't know- go do something!"

Johnnie sighed, feeling frustrated and worried."I'm trying to help you, Jake. You're not relaxing, you're just getting more drunk. And I can't just leave you alone when you're like this."

"UGHH!" Jake suddenly threw the bottle. It made a loud crash as it hits the TV and onto the floor in little shards. Jake got up and yelled at Johnnie, "Look! I don't need you on my damn back! i know myself!"

Johnnie flinched as the bottle hit the TV and shattered. He looked up at Jake with a mixture of shock and anger.

"Are you fucking serious? You just broke the fucking TV! And you're still yelling at me?! You're out of control, Jake. This isn't you."

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