Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

Tobin was excited to back at camp. She was excited to be back with her teammates but most excited about seeing Alex. Tobin and Alex spent many nights during their time off texting, calling, and skyping each other and they seemed to never get bored with each other. They even decided to get an apartment together in Portland after the World Cup.

Alex was already in her hotel room unpacking and her roommate, Kelley, was going on about some squirrel she saw earlier. Alex couldn't help but laugh at her roommate's dramatic gestures as she continued to talk. She was mostly unpacked and decided to walk around to see who else has arrived. Right when she opened the door, she became face to face with the person she wanted to see the most.

"Well hello Alex." Tobin said as she flashed her perfect smile.

"TOBIN!" Alex couldn't help but yell and wrapped her arms tightly around Tobin's neck pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you too Alex but I would like to breath." Tobin laughed as she wrapped her arms around Alex's midsection.

The pair pulled back slightly but kept their arms in place not wanting to let go of each other quite yet. They both had crazy grins on their faces and neither dared to look away from one another's face.

"I really have missed you, Lex," Tobin said just above a whisper.

Alex sighed and nuzzled her head in between Tobin's neck and collarbone. Neither dared to pull away because they both enjoyed having each other so close again.

Kelley's voice startled the pair and caused them to finally break apart. "I'm sorry to break up this little best friend reunion but I would like to be able to leave the room and go reunite with my best friend." Neither one of them realized they were still in the middle of the door way so they stepped aside letting Kelley pass. And with that, Kelley was gone.

"Hope." Both girls laughed as they knew about Kelley's fascination with the goalkeeper.

Tobin couldn't help but stare as Alex walked over to her bed. She took that time to look over Alex's choice of clothing. She was in a Nike half zip jacket and Nike leggings that defined every muscle in her legs. Tobin was still in awe over how Alex could wear anything and still look beautiful that she didn't notice that Alex turned around and was watching her with a slight smirk on her face.

"Like what you see, Tobs?" A playful smile crept onto her face.

Tobin's eye snapped back to reality when she heard Alex speak and the blush was already creeping up her neck.

Luckily, a banging on the door saved Tobin from answering Alex's question.

"Team meeting in five. Don't be late!" Abby Wambach yelled through the door.

"I guess that's our cue to get to the conference room." Tobin laughed slightly rubbing the back of her neck, still embarrassed about getting caught.

Alex loved getting Tobin to blush because it made her ten times cuter than she already was.

Alex and Tobin started heading down to the conference room and Alex was going on about how Jeri got her a cute little goldfish that she named Bubbles. Tobin couldn't help but smile at how childish Alex was sometimes. When they reached the conference room, they took their respective places next to each other.

After the meeting, most of the girls went straight to their rooms since they start training tomorrow. Tobin however walked with Alex up to her room. She always liked walking Alex to her room, she doesn't know why she enjoys it so much but it gives her a sense of happiness. She dropped Alex off at her door and turned to go back to hers when she felt Alex grab her hand.

"Tobin, I'm really glad we're here together. I've missed my best friend." Alex said in a barely audible whisper.

"I'm happy too Alex." Tobin looked into her eyes and smiled. "Goodnight Lex." And slowly Tobin lifted Alex's hand up to her lips and kissed it softly.

With that, Tobin turned and walked down the hall to her room which she shared with Cheney. Alex was frozen outside of her door and her hand still burned from where Tobin's lips touched.

Servando's kisses never felt like that.

Kelley's voice interrupted her thoughts. "You coming to bed or are you just gonna stand in the doorway like an idiot?"

Alex shook her head and got into bed. She had to tell Tobin that she loved her, because she couldn't keep tip toeing around the subject. Everyone sees it, sees how they interact with each other. Alex fell asleep that night wondering if it was worth risking the best friendship she has ever had in her life just for love.

Tobin made her way back to her room and then it hit her.

Oh my god, I kissed Alex's hand! What friend does that?

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" Cheney asked when Tobin entered the room.

"Um, you know that thing I talked to you about shortly after Servando and Alex broke up. I don't know how much longer I can hide that."

"Just tell her, Tobs. I bet she feels the same way about you, everyone can see that you and her have something special."

"Exactly, Chen! We have something special and I can't risk that by telling Alex that I'm in love with her. I can't lose my best friend because I can't keep my emotions in check."

"It's not your fault you fell in love. Look Alex has finally gotten over Servando cheating on her and you were there the entire time. She loves you, Tobin, she won't disappear."

Tobin sighed and fell onto her bed, wishing Cheney a goodnight, before letting sleep take over her body.

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