Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9:

Sunday passed without any problems, the team accepted Alex and Tobin's relationship quickly, training was easy because of the game on Monday, and everyone just hung out around the hotel later that night.

Tobin and Alex woke up next to each other on Monday aka game day.

"Hmm good morning, babe." Alex sighed and lightly kissed Tobin's neck.

"Good morning, Lex. We better get up though because it's game day and we have a meeting in about thirty minutes."

Alex and Tobin got dressed and headed down to the meeting. It was a regular pregame meeting. Stay focus, be alert, play hard, etc. After the meeting ended, Tobin and Alex spilt ways because they both had different pregame rituals. When it was time to get on the bus, Alex and Tobin took their respective seats next to each other. Tobin reached over and held Alex's hand bringing it up to her lips and gently kissed it.

The team arrived to the stadium and had a crowd of people waiting for them when they got off the bus. Alex and Tobin kept their distance because even though they told the team about their relationship, they weren't ready to tell the general public. Inside the locker room, Alex went straight into her visualization and Tobin listened to some of her Christian music. The team went out and did their general warmups then went back for one last final pep talk. Abby did her usual speech which ended with everyone laughing. Alex got up to walk out but Tobin pulled her back in.

"Tobin what are you doing?" She asked.

"Don't get hurt and play well." Tobin said with a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you." Alex smiled.

"I love you too, now let's go kick some butt." Tobin smirked and went out to get in the line for the lineups.

The game started slow and neither side could put anything together. Alex had very few chances in the box and Tobin was fighting for possession at midfield. The team went into halftime tied and that's not what they wanted.

"Guys! We got this, we just need to be shaper with a passes. This game isn't near over yet!" Abby yelled in the locker room. "USA on there. One, two, three."


The team walked back out onto the pitch with new energy. Once the second half started, Alex scored within the fiftieth minute and then the goals started. Abby had one and Carli added two of her own.

"WOOO that's how you win a football match!" Kelley screamed on the way to the locker room.

Hope looked over at her girlfriend and just laughed at her excitement.

"Oh and by the way, great saves out there." Kelley whispered into her ear with a small butt tap.

The team loaded back up their stuff and headed back to the bus. Some stopped to give autographs and pictures while others just kept walking. A reporter stopped Alex to interview her since she scored the first goal so Tobin decided to stay behind and wait for her to finish. Alex came back to the locker room after about ten minutes and groaned.

"I hate doing interviews after games. They always ask the same questions and it's just stupid."

"I know, Lex." Tobin laughed and pulled Alex into a hug. "Maybe stop being so good then."

"I think they should interview the girl who assisted my goal." Alex said with a smirk and wrapped her arms around Tobin's neck.

"Ha no. Imagine if the world knew that we were more than just a power duo on the field but off also." Tobin joked while gently kissing her. "You did play great today, Lex."

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