Chapter Six

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Chapter 6:

The next few days passed without any problems, Tobin and Alex's relationship was still a secret and Hope and Kelley decided to take things slow before they jumped in with both feet. It was Thursday and their first send off game wasn't until the following Monday so Jill decided to give them Friday off.

"Hey Lex." Tobin said while taking away the book Alex was reading.

"Hey I was reading that!" Alex pouted.

"Well I want your full attention so listen up." Tobin said playfully while tossing the book onto her bed. "Let me take you on a date like a real first date. It's been about two weeks and I think tomorrow would be a perfect day."

"I'll love to. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, babe." Tobin quickly gave Alex a kiss. "Just be ready by 6 and wear like a summer dress or something."

"Wait where are you going?" Alex said when she noticed Tobin leaving the room.

"I got a date to finish planing." And with that, Tobin was gone.

Tobin knew Alex's favorite things, her likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. but Tobin didn't know what to do for a date. She wandered stores and restaurants nearby, googled date ideas, and straight up just tried to brainstorm. By the end of the night and some help from Kelley, the date was perfectly planned.

Tobin decided to go a simple white v-neck with a black leather jacket over it and dark washed skinny jeans finished off with some combat boots. It was about 5 o'clock so all Tobin had to do was wait. Meanwhile Alex was in a panic trying to decide what to wear and Kelley was no help because she wouldn't tell Alex where they were going.

"Alex, just wear something casual. It's Tobin were talking about." Kelley groaned.

After about another 30 minutes, Alex came out in a light blue dress that stopped at mid-thigh and that was just tight enough to see her curves.

"You look great, Alex." Kelley said while giving her friend a hug. "I better get going before Tobin gets here speaking it's already 5:50."

"Thank you, Kels." Alex said while Kelley left.

Alex sat quietly on her bed watching the minutes count down and to her surprise, right when it turned to 6:00, she heard a knock. She opened the door to a smiling Tobin.

"Wow Lex. Wow you look beautiful. You are beautiful." Tobin said and kissed her cheek.

"You don't look bad yourself." Alex said tugging a little on her jacket. "Now where are we going?"

"Well since we both agreed to not be public yet I kinda had a good idea but you need to put this on." Tobin said while revealing a blindfold. "Trust me."

Alex agreed to it and a few seconds later was blindfolded. Tobin made sure no one was in the halls before guiding Alex to the elevators, once inside she hit the highest floor.

"Tobin seriously where are we going?"

"Shh we're almost there." The elevator doors opened and Tobin walked her to the door labeled "roof". Alex felt the fresh air hit her and continued to be lead by Tobin.

"Okay take off your blindfold."

Alex quickly removed the black fabric and was in awe of what she saw. There were rose pedals spread across the entire roof and a blanket with a picnic basket on top surrounded by candles.

"Tobin this is beautiful. How?"

"Kelley helped and I called a local florist for the rose pedals. The candles were from a local store and the picnic, well, I know all your favorite foods so I kinda created my own picnic for us. And before you say anything else, will you do me the greatest honor and be my girlfriend?" Tobin asked shyly.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend, Tobin." Alex smiled and pulled Tobin in for a kiss. The kiss was full of passion and pure desire.

"Let's eat first before we do anything else." Tobin said with one last peck.

The couple talked and joked and ate until the sun started setting.

"This is why I picked 6 o'clock. So we could watch the sunset." Tobin said while her and Alex stood over by the ledge.

"I love it, Tobin. And I love you."

Tobin's ears perked up when she heard those three words.

"Yes I said it. I'm in love with Tobin Powell Heath and I think I have been for a while now."

"Good because I just happen to be in love with you too, Alex Patricia Morgan."

Alex ran over to the roof door and quickly locked it.

"Are you about to kill me, Lex?" Tobin said with a laugh.

"Physically no, sexually yes."

Tobin noticed how dark Alex's eyes were and knew she was in for it.

"What are we waiting for then?" Tobin asked with a smirk and desire in her eyes.

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