Chapter Two

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Chapter 2:

Tobin groaned as her alarm clocked went off promptly at 8 am. She quickly snoozed it and went back to bed...or at least tried to.

"Tobin Heath, get your butt up right now so we can go to breakfast!" Lauren said as she threw a pillow at Tobin.

"I'm up. I'm up." Tobin lazily walked over to her suitcase and threw on the first shirt that she grabbed without even looking at it.

Tobin decided to go get Alex so they could walk together down together. Tobin reached Kelley's and Alex's door and knocked softly. She could hear Alex rustling around the room so she knocked a little harder.

"Hold on!" Tobin could make it out as Alex's voice.

Tobin pulled out her phone and checked all of her social medias before the door finally opened revealing a slightly tired Alex.

Alex eyes widened and started laughing uncontrollably right when she laid eyes on Tobin.

"What's so funny, Alex?"

"Oh just laughing at the fact that my best friend is wearing my Cal hoodie." She smirked and gently tugged at the hoodie's strings. "I thought you said you didn't take this."

Tobin was blushing and stuttering slightly. "I may have taken it so I could have something that reminded me of you." She mumbled and avoided eye contact with Alex.

Alex just smirked and felt like being a little playful with Tobin today especially after a long internal debate she decided that even if Tobin didn't love her back, they would be able to keep their friendship. "But you do look good in it." She whispered into Tobin's ear and started walking down the hall.

Tobin was frozen in her spot and couldn't process what Alex just said. She knew it was probably her just joking around but damn she hoped she wasn't. Realizing that Alex was almost to the elevator already, Tobin sprinted down the hall to catch up with her.

"What took you so long?" In true Alex fashion, she batted her eyes and had a slight smirk forming.

Knowing that Alex was playing a game, no way Tobin was going to let her win, so she decided to fight back.

"I just wanted to get a good look of you this morning." Tobin whispered into Alex's ear as she walked into the elevator. "Coming?"

It was now Alex's turn to blush and all she could do was nod.

Since Tobin and Alex were the last ones to breakfast, they couldn't sit next to each other and Alex couldn't help but stare at Tobin's back thinking back to what she said.

"Alex. Alex. ALEX!"

The sudden noise made her jump and turn her head to Abby who was seated next to her.

"I'm been trying to get your attention for like a minute." Abby complained.

"Sorry I was daydreaming."

"About a certain midfielder?" HAO said with a smirk on her face.

"Wait what? No!" Alex could feel her neck and cheeks heating up.

"Oh come on, Alex. We can all see the way you look at her. You're always looking for a reason to touch her or sit by her. You have it bad." Ashlyn said which earned her a jab in her ribs from Ali.

"Look even if I had feelings for her, she's so religious I doubt she likes girls." Alex huffed.

"Is she talking about Tobin?" Hope said as she walked over. "Alex, that girl has a thing for you. I say just tell her. You two are so close that it won't ruin anything."

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