Chapter Sixty-One

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((FYI it's like the beginning of August right now so all the gals are back in training and playing))

Chapter 61:

Kelley was in her empty apartment since Sam and Caitlin decided to go out for dinner and she wasn't motivated to.

Being bored, she decided to try and call Hope. After a few rings, she heard the dreaded message.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voicemail. Please leave a message after the tone."

"Ugh answer your phone!" Kelley yelled to no one before deciding to text Tobin.

Hope isn't answering her phone and I'm bored. Entertain me. -Kelley

I'm about to head to training. Can't talk. -Tobin

"Is everyone I know busy?!" She groaned.

Suddenly the doorbell went off and honestly she thought it was just Sam and Caitlin because they left their keys or something.

She opened the door, "Forgot your keys again?"

"Well you haven't given me a set yet so no." The person in the doorway smirked.

"What?" Kelley asked confused before looking up, "HOPE!"

"Last time I checked, now are you going to invite me in or just make me stand out here like an idiot?" Hope laughed.

Moving out of the doorway, Kelley let Hope come in before shutting the door and jumping into her arms, wrapping her legs around her waist.

"I've missed you so so so much." Kelley said nuzzling her face into Hope's neck.

"I've missed you too that's why I'm here."

Kelley pulled back to look at Hope, "But how?"

Hope gave her a peck on the lips, "Well we just played this last Saturday and we don't play again until the next Saturday plus I'm injured so Laura said I could fly out here for a few days."

"You. Are. The. Best. Girlfriend. Ever." Kelley said giving her a kiss in between every word.

Giving Kelley a dorky grin, she leaned back in for a longer kiss.

"Get a room you two!" Sam joked walking through the door with Caitlin.

Awkwardly, Hope put Kelley back on the ground, "Sorry I should have called before coming here."

Caitlin laughed, "Nah mate. It's all good because now we no longer have to hear Kelley complain."

"I miss Hope." Sam impersonated.

"Why can't we be on the same team?"

"Hope isn't answering my calls."

"I should just fly to Seattle."

"Okay okay she gets it." Kelley said glaring at them.

"So you've missed me?" Hope smirked at her.

Kelley smacked her arm, "Oh shut up."

"Kev, do you want us to leave so you guys can have alone time?" Sam winked.

"No I'm actually going to show her around New Brunswick so see you guys later!" Kelley said dragging Hope out the door. "By the way where is all your stuff?"

"At my hotel."

Kelley pouted at her, "You can just stay with me."

"I know but you have roommates. I didn't want to intrude and now plus we can have a room all to ourselves later tonight with no one around."

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