Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter 41:

They had three days until the China game so Jill was nice and let visitors come to the hotel and let the girls have the day off.

"Hey Tobin." Amy said getting her attention at breakfast.

"Sup ARod." She smiled at her.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?" Tobin asked cause ARod never asked for favors so she knew it was probably important.

"Adam is coming today with Ryan and you know it's been awhile since I've been able to be alone with him so I was wondering if you and Alex will be babysit Ryan later tonight for us?"

"Of course! Alex will be thrilled to. You know how much she loves that kid."

Amy smiled wide. "Thanks Tobin! That means a lot. I'll drop him off at your guys' room around 5ish probably."

"Sounds good." Tobin replied heading up to her room to tell Alex.

"Hey babe." Alex said when Tobin opened the door but without looking up from her laptop.

"How did you know it was me?" Tobin laughed walking over to the bedroom.

Alex shook her head laughing. "Cause who else would have our room key, you doof."

"Harsh. But anyways what are you doing?" Tobin asked while sitting next to Alex on the bed.

"I am replying to Nike's emails asking about when I'll be free to do photoshoots. I'm telling them I don't want to do any until after the NWSL season."

"Hm they're not going to be happy about that." Tobin said turning, and smirking at her girlfriend.

"Well I have prior commitments." Alex smirked back, shutting her laptop.

"Involving me I hope." Tobin replied moving the computer off her girlfriends lap before pulling her onto her own.

"They might." She said, throwing her arms around Tobin's neck. "I might need some persuading though. Nike does pay me unlike you."

"Well Nike may pay you but they can't do this."

She leaned in, biting Alex's bottom lip, pulling in it gently before letting go.

"Not enough." Alex sighed before connecting their lips again for what felt like the first time.

Tobin pulled away immediately she remembered why she came back to the room in the first place.

"I forgot to tell you that I told Amy that we would babysit Ryan tonight."

"That's fine. Can you shut up now?" Alex quickly said.

"Someone wants to get to the point." Tobin smirked, grabbing her hips pulling Alex closer to her.

"Do you not want me to get to the point?" Alex glared at her, rolling her hips creating friction through their shorts causing Tobin to let out a small moan.

Like always, a knock happened against the door which made the couple curse silently before Alex got up to see which teammate had poor timing this time.

She opened the door without even looking who it was, "What do you-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw who was at the door.

"MOM!" She screamed pulling Pamela Morgan into a tight hug.

The scream caused Tobin to stand up and see what the commotion was.

When she saw the sight in front of her, she couldn't help but smile at how happy Alex was.

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