Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8:

"This sucks." Tobin whined as she sat next to Alex.

"Ugh why are our teammates so difficult?" Alex leaned against Tobin.

"I don't know. All I know is we either sit in here forever and 'not admit our feelings' or we just tell the team we are already dating." Tobin said while wrapping an arm around Alex's waist.

Alex looked up and gently kissed her.

"I think we should just tell the team. Like the veterans didn't care and the team will be very happy to find out I think." Alex suggested.

"I don't know. Being all secretive with you was kinda hot." Tobin smirked and sucked a little on Alex's pulse point.

"Tobin." Alex moaned out. "You do know some of our teammates are just outside of the door."

"Great way to tell them were together." Tobin winked.

Alex playfully shoved her away.

"Nice try, hot stuff, but no." Alex laughed and stood up.

"Pinoe, Syd. Let us out and call a team meeting, we need to talk." Alex yelled through the door.

"Fine." Pinoe sighed and unlocked the door. "I just sent out a text that there's a team meeting in five."

"Thank you. Let's go." Alex said walking out of the closet with Tobin.

A few minutes later, the entire team was in the conference room.

"Okay so what's up? Players rarely call team meetings." Cheney asked.

"Well after Tobin and I heard about your guys' plan and then locking us in a closet, we decided this is the easiest way to end all that." Alex started.

"Even though we love your guys' concern for us and trying stupid plans to make us talk, that's all really pointless. Because Alex and I have been together for a couple of weeks now and we didn't..." Tobin continued on.

"Wait! You guys kept this a secret for a couple of weeks. How were we all so oblivious?" Syd yelled out.

Meanwhile Kelley and Hope were both trying not to laugh about how their team reacted to the news. ARod looked over and saw the pair almost in tears.

"Hold on. Hope and Kelley knew?! How'd they find out?" ARod asked.

"Both of them saw us kissing, two separate times. And we already told all the veterans earlier today because we wanted to stop your plan but they didn't get to you guys in time." Alex shrugged.

"Now we need details. Who admitted their feelings first?" Pinoe raised an eyebrow.

"Surprisingly, it was Lex who admitted first." Tobin said with a smile. "It happened that day where she ran out of breakfast which I later found out that she did that because you guys were interrogating her." Tobin glared. "But yeah that's that."

Alex grabbed Tobin's hand and smiled at her.

"Yes, we can double date, bro!" Ashlyn said highfiving Tobin.

"Damn this team is full of couples. Who's next? Kelley and Hope?" Cheney joked.

Hope and Kelley eyes went wide and they both forced a laugh.

"Yeah, okay, Cheney. Good one." Hope forced out.

Tobin and Alex eyed the pair and could tell something was up but they didn't question it in front of the whole team.

"Well we're all happy for the both of you for finally getting together." Ali said.

The team slowly filled out of the room and left only Tobin, Alex, Hope, and Kelley.

"Okay so are you guys going to explain why you acted so weird when Cheney talked about the possibility of you two dating?" Alex folded her arms and raised an eye brow.

Kelley and Hope swallowed, neither one quite sure what to say.

"Fine." Kelley finally let out. "Me and Hope have been dating for about a week."

Hope instantly grabbed Kelley's hand for support. "We decided to take things slow to make sure this what we both wanted and I think I've made my decision." Hope said smilingly at Kelley.

"I think I have too." Kelley said while standing up on her tip toes to quickly kiss Hope.

"Okay ew but no we're really happy for you guys." Tobin said. "So do you guys plan on telling the team anytime soon?"

"We haven't really talked about it but I think we will wait just so we can let them calm down from you guys coming out as a couple." Kelley said.

"Well let's all go to bed because we still have training tomorrow." Hope suggested.

"Okay goodnight, lovebirds." Alex joked while walking hand in hand with Tobin to the elevators.

"So Kels, will you be my girlfriend?" Hope turned and asked the smaller girl.

"Of course." Kelley said with a giant smile and have Hope one last kiss before they both went to their assigned rooms.

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