Chapter Fifty-Two

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Chapter 52:

The team had the rest of the day to hang out in LA  since it was only 6 and because the rally wasn't until the next day.

Most of them went to sleep at their hotel since they obviously didn't get much the night before.

JJ and Press got to their room and before either one got settled in, Press had an idea.

"Let's go to the beach!"

"You don't want to relax?" Julie asked with a chuckle.

"Not really. Come on, we can go surfing. It'll be fun!"

"I haven't surfed since college, babe."

"Well I'll reteach you. Please..." Christen pouted while wrapping her arms around Julie's waist.

"Ugh fine just because I love you and I'm not that tired."

"Yay!" She said giving Julie a peck on the lips. "Let's go."

Soon, the couple was on the beach with their wet suits zipped half way up and waxing the boards they rented from a near by shop.

"Babe, zip me to the rest of the way." Christen asked turning around and moving her hair to one side.

Julie slowly zipped it up before placing a kiss where her neck and shoulder meet.


"Yep let's go." Christen smiled grabbing her board.

They paddled out for awhile before stopping once they felt like they were far enough from shore.

Sitting up on her board, Julie turned to face Christen.

"I really haven't surfed since college so don't laugh."

Christen shook her head. "I would never laugh."

The pair just sat out there and talked for a while, letting the waves pass under them but eventually they decided to actually try to catch some.

Christen went first catching a small wave and not falling off until the very end.

They alternated between every wave and Julie got back into the rhythm pretty quick.

"And you thought you were going to be bad!" Christen called out to her as she prepared for another wave.

She looked back and saw a decent size one coming for her so she started paddling fast. Once she felt the wave under her, she stood up letting her balance take over.

But quickly the wave got bigger than she expected, so she lost control of her balance, toppling off her board and crashing hard into the water.

"Christen!" Julie yelled paddling over to where she fell.

Julie saw that Christen's ankle strap snapped because the board was no where to be found.

A few seconds past and Christen was still underwater which made Julie worried.

Finally Christen popped up, panting but looked to be okay.

"Are you okay?" Julie asked sitting up on her board so Christen could grab on to it.

"Yeah I'm fine. When I hit the water, the wave pulled my board pretty harsh so it snapped my ankle strap and I just had to stay under until the wave passed."

"Wanna go back to shore and just walk around since we've lost your board and the sun is beginning to set?"

"Yeah let's go."

Christen climbed up onto Julie's board and they just let the waves push them towards the shore.

Once back on the sand, they found Christen's board washed up near them.

"At least we found it cause I wasn't gonna pay that shop if we lost it." Christen joked.

Julie laughed as they walked back to their stuff. Putting the surfboards in the sand, they took off their wetsuits and both threw on a pair of shorts over their bikini bottoms.

"I love the beach." Julie mumbled as they walked hand in hand near the water.

"Same." Christen replied.

They walked in silence for a few minutes before the came across a pier overlooking the ocean.

Once they were both at the end, they sat with their legs hanging over the edge.

Christen sighed, leaning against Julie as the sun continued to get lower.

"I couldn't ask for anything better." Julie said, drawing small circles on Christen's hand with her thumb.

Christen turned to face her. "I love you."

"I love you too. Always have, always will." She said with a small smile before closing the gap making their lips connect.

The kiss was awkward at first because their bodies were still facing towards the ocean so Christen turned, throwing one leg over Julie's waist, so she was now straddling her.

Julie ran her hands down Christen's basically bare back since she was just in a bikini, stopping them on her hips.

Christen had her arms wrapped around Julie's neck playing with the loose hairs that fell out of her bun.

She ran her tongue along Christen's bottom lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss.

Christen happily let her and soon their tongues were fighting for dominance.

"ATTACK!" Someone yelled behind them and not long after, the pair felt freezing water hit them making the pair jump up and almost into the ocean.

They turned to see who did it and they saw a laughing Tobin, Alex, Ashlyn, Syd, Kelley, and HAO with water guns.

"Gotcha." Ashlyn smirked, squirting the gun at them again.

"Oh you guys are dead." Christen said with a glare that matched the one on Julie's face.

"Shit angry cinnamon rolls, angry cinnamon rolls!" Syd yelled, "Retreat! Retreat!"

The group took off running back to the hotel with Christen and Julie close behind them.

The couple chased the group down the beach and eventually all them got tired from running in the sand.

"Okay time out." Kelley panted as they stopped to rest.

"Where did you guys get the water guns?!" Julie asked.

"From some dollar store across the street from our hotel." Tobin replied.

Christen shook her head. "And why did you guys use such cold water like damn."

HAO laughed. "Cause that's what makes this so much more fun. And the fact we caught you to making out when we did it."

Julie noticed that Kelley and Alex put theirs down to catch their breathe.

She looked over at Christen, making eye contact then looking at the guns on the ground.

In sync, they dove for the guns successfully grabbing them before Kelley and Alex could pick them back up.

They immediately started shooting at their friends and soon it was a full out water gun fight.

"I'm out!" Kelley yelled taking cover behind Ashlyn.

One by one all them ran out of water and in the end, they were all soaked to the bone by freezing water.

"Okay okay that was awful. Let's get back to the hotel before we all catch a cold." Alex suggested which everyone agreed to.

Julie and Christen grabbed their stuff before returning the boards and heading back to the hotel.

"What happened to you?" Dawn asked as the group walked in.

"Nothing." They all replied innocently.

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