Chapter Sixty-Three

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Chapter 63:

Ashlyn woke up before Ali like normal on their days off and headed downstairs to relax before the day started.

She saw all of Ali's wedding magazines still on the coffee table and she knew Ali was getting frustrated with her because she wasn't helping plan their wedding. Knowing she had some time before Ali would come downstairs, Ashlyn turned the TV on and began watching some special on shark attacks.

"Have you talked to Alex or Tobin yet?" Ali asked as she dropped down onto Ashlyn's lap unexpectedly.

Ashlyn looked at her in a little bit of shock, "No why?"

"Because we need to see if they have a date set for their wedding so we can plan around it."

"Why can't we pick the date and they plan around it? I was the one to propose first, remember?"

Ali rolled her eyes, "Yes but remember," she said sarcastically,  "Alex's tweet a few weeks ago, she said that her and Tobin were at her parents house planning wedding stuff. So they probably already have a date set."

Ashlyn knew Ali was right, like always, so she folded, "Okay get off of me so I can go call Tobin." 

Quickly giving Ashlyn a kiss, Ali stood up and gently smacked Ashlyn's butt as she walked past.

"Hello." Tobin answered tiredly and Ashlyn cursed at herself.

"Sorry Tobin. I forgot it's only 8am in Portland. Is now a bad time?"

"No no I just don't want to wake Lex. Did you fuck up again?" Tobin asked knowing that was a main reason why Ashlyn would call.

She glared at the comment, "No I did not. Ali was just wondering if you and Alex have a date set yet for your wedding."

Tobin gave a low chuckle, "Yeah November 16th. Can I go back to bed now?"

"Yes. Talk to you later, bro."

Ashlyn walked back to the living room to find Ali's face buried in a book.

"Replaced by a book? Dang I really need to step up my game." She joked leaning against the doorway.

"Hilarious but no it's a wedding catalog. Do they have a date?"

Walking back over to their couch, she sat next to her fiancée, "Yeah November 16th. It's a Saturday so any day is ours that we want."

"September 5th." Ali said almost immediately.

"For how much I would love to do it on our three year anniversary, we have a game that day."

"Ugh," Ali groaned, "that was my only idea."

Ashlyn laughed at her, "Why didn't you look at the schedule first?"

That just made Ali glare at her for a second before continuing, "What date do you want then?"

"Well," Ashlyn began, pulling Ali onto her lap once again, "how bout September 26? We don't have anything going on and it's a Saturday."

"Have you been planning this?"

"Maybe," she smirked placing a kiss on Ali's jawline, "just trying to be a good fiancée.

"You're the best I could ever ask for." Ali smiled leaning down for a kiss.

"That reminds me!" Ashlyn blurted out and Ali just raised an eyebrow, "When I called Tobin and the first thing she said was 'Did you fuck up again?' Do I really mess up that often?!"

Ali looked away biting her lower lip which made Ashlyn pout, "I'm just kidding babe. You don't mess up that much and even when you do I still love you."

"Awe that was cute," Ashlyn said smirking, "now do you want me to cook you lunch?"

Grinning like a child, Ali rolled off Ashlyn's lap, "Yes please."

With one last kiss on her nose, Ashlyn headed to the kitchen to see what ingredients they had available.

"NO MAC N CHEESE!" Ali called and immediately heard Ashlyn let out an audible groan, "LOVE YOU!"

Ali laid on the couch for awhile until she heard a pan clatter against the wood floors and Ashlyn letting out a yelp.

"What was that?!" She yelled.

"Nothing!" Ashlyn responded innocently so immediately Ali stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Opening the door, she found pasta scattered across the floor and smoke rising from the oven.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Ali asked holding back her laughter.

"Just a little mishap with the pasta and I may have overcooked the garlic bread."

"How bout we clean this up and just order take out?"

"Sounds like a date," Ashlyn said grinning while grabbing the broom.

After the pasta was off the floor and in the trash along with the burnt garlic bread, they settled on ordering from a local Italian place close by.

"I still don't understand why I let you cook sometimes." Ali joked while her and Ashlyn settled on the floor using their coffee table to hold their food.

Ashlyn nudged Ali with her shoulder, "Because I like to believe I can and you like to see me fail."

Gasping in fake shock, "That is not true! I don't like to see you fail," and Ashlyn raised an eyebrow at her, "Okay maybe just sometimes."

"Knew it."

"Anyways back to wedding talk. We have a date. Now we need a guest list, venue, officiant, bridesmaids, invitations-"

Ashlyn brought her finger to Ali's lips to make her stop rambling, "I know. Let's start with the venue since that's pretty important. I was thinking the waterfront in Georgetown cause obviously we both love it there."

"I like that idea but it's going to be fall and chilly here in September. Do we really want to do our wedding here?"

"I mean fall is so beautiful like why not?"

Ali smiled cause Ashlyn was actually starting to care about the wedding, "Okay waterfront it is."

"Can I get a kiss for that wonderful idea?" Ashlyn asked with a small smirk.

"How bout something better?" Ali replied matching her smirk while standing up offering Ashlyn her hand.

"What is it?"

Ali began dragging her down the hall to their room. "You'll find out."

"What about our food?!"

"I'm hungry for something else now."

"What?" Ashlyn said not catching on right away, "Oh. Oooh yeah let's do that instead."

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