Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14:

Once Alex's flight landed, she immediately called Tobin. "Hey, babe. My flight just landed."

"I'm glad you got in safe and I saw you had Christen on your flight so I'm glad you weren't bored. Are you with your parents and sisters right now then?"

"No not yet. They are picking me up so I'm actually looking for them right now. How was your flight? Are you home right now?"

"Yeah I got home around thirty minutes ago. Perry picked me up at the airport and so I'm just chilling at our house right now with her."

"Have you told her about..."

"Not yet, Lex. But I will, she's actually listening to this conversation right now so she's probably wondering what the heck we are talking about." Tobin laughed before shooing Perry away.

"Tell her hi for me." Alex smiled before spotting her family. "Okay I just found my family so I got to go. I love you."

"Tell them hi for me. And love you too." Tobin said before Alex hung up.

"Alex!" Jeri said wrapping her sister in a hug.

"Hey, Jeri!" Alex said before returning the hug.

"Hey superstar." Alex's dad, Michael, said before hugging his youngest daughter and placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Dad!" Alex whined before lastly hugging her mom.

"We've missed you, darling." Alex's mom, Pamela, sighed. "Now who were you on the phone with so quickly after your flight?"

"Oh it was Tobin. She wanted me to call when my flight landed." Alex said nonchalantly. "Speaking of Tobin, she says hi from New Jersey."

"Oh I miss Tobin. She should come visit after the World Cup." Pam suggested.

"She would love too, Mom." Alex smiled.

Jeri eyed her sister and raised an eyebrow because she was almost positive that her sister and Tobin had something more than a friendship.

Alex saw her sister looking at her. "What, Jer?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Alex just shrugged it off and started telling her parents and her sisters about the time she had in Colorado.

The family drove back to their house in Diamond Bar and Alex went to her room to unpack.

"Her, Alex. Can I come in?" Jeri asked through the door.

"Yeah my door is open."

Jeri pushed her sister's bedroom door open and closed it behind her before approaching Alex's bed and sitting down.

"So how've you been?" Jeri started with.

Alex was confused by the question but answered anyways. "Good, I mean I'm glad to be back home for a week but I miss the gals."

"Anyone in particular?" Jeri raised an eyebrow.

"No...?" Alex turned looking at her older sister.

"Oh really? Not a certain tan, New Jersey native midfielder on your mind."

"Wait...what? No." Alex said flustered.

"Mhm hmm. Alex, I'm your sister, I can tell when you're lying."

"Okay, okay. I was gonna tell you all as a family at dinner tonight but I guess I can tell you now. Me and Tobin are dating and have been for about two months."

Jeri grinned. "Oh my gosh! That's amazing. I always thought you two were meant to be together. I wanna hear the whole story on how it happened!"

"Okay." Alex laughed while sitting next to her on the bed. "Well the first few days of camp, we were just being our normal selves, hanging out and stuff like that. Then one day, some of our teammates thought they needed to lecture me about my feelings for Tobin and I kinda stormed out of breakfast...but yeah Tobin chased after me and I was already crying so I stopped and sat on the beach. Tobin caught up and sat next to me and asked me what was wrong. I just kinda shook my head because I wasn't ready to tell her. But then she said no matter what was bothering me, that she would never leave me and that's when I just let my feelings out. Ever since then, we have been together." Alex smiled at the memory and her sister saw how happy she was.

"You truly love her, don't you?"

"I really do."

"Do you think she's the one?"

"I think she might be. But we've only been dating for like two months, that's not a long time."

"But you guys have been best friends for like four years and have had feelings for each other for like over a year if not longer."

"I don't know, Jer. We're both really focusing on the World Cup right now."

"Just follow your heart, Lex. But anyways, I'm happy for you two and I bet mom, dad, and Jeni will be also."

"Yeah I hope." Alex mumbled.

"GIRLS DINNER!" Pam shouted from downstairs.

"Let's go before mom kills us." Jeri laughed.

The two ran downstairs and Jeni was already seated.

"You trying to keep Alex all to yourself, Jeri?" She joked.

"I'm just her favorite, Jen." Jeri answered sticking out her tongue.

"I swear you guys are still in high school." Michael laughed before setting the food down.

They all ate while talking about the upcoming World Cup but Alex could feel Jeri's eyes glaring at her to tell her secret.

"Um guys I need to tell you something." Alex started.

"What's up, sweetie?" Pam asked.

"Well at the beginning of camp, I started dating someone."

"Oh who's the lucky guy?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Actually it's a girl..." Alex said looking down.

Pam and Michael looked at each other before saying anything else.

"Honey, you know that doesn't matter to us. So who is this girl?" Pam questioned.

"It's Tobin."

Her parents let out a sigh of relief.

Alex was confused by her parents reaction. "Wait why are you guys relieved?"

"Because we were waiting for the day when you two finally got together. Alex, we've known from the moment we saw you and Tobin together that you both felt something more. We have just been waiting for this moment to happen." Her mom explained.

"Did everyone know about us liking each other besides us?" Alex groaned.

"Yep basically." Jeni smirked.

"Well if I may be excused, I have to go call her if you guys don't mind."

"Tell her we say hi." Michael called out as Alex ran upstairs.

((Next chapter will be about how Tobin told her family))

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