Chapter Four

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Chapter 4:

The past few days went by without any problems. They managed to keep their public affection to a minimum and the team has yet to put two and two together so all was well. The team had just gotten back from training and Alex was itching for some alone time with Tobin. Since Kelley was the only one who know the truth, she went to her.

"Hey Kelley, can I ask for a favor?"

"What's up, Baby Horse?"

"Can me and Tobin have the room tonight? I feel like we barely get any time together and since we haven't told the team, it's hard to not act like a couple I front of them."

"Yeah that's fine but what should I tell the team? Cause obviously Lauren is gonna wonder why I'm her roommate tonight."

"Just tell her, I'm really homesick and need Tobin to be with me."

"Okay Alex. You got yourself a deal. Just no sex on my bed," that was the last think Kelley said with a wink then walked out of the room.

Alex quickly texted Tobin to come over and decided to relax on the her bed until Tobin arrived. She felt the door open and was wondering why Kelley was back but was surprise to see Tobin.

"How'd you get in here?"

Tobin flashed up a room key. "The front desk apparently doesn't ask for identification." She says with a smirk and walks slowly over to the bed.

Alex knows she teasing her with her slow pace so she reaches up and pulls her down to the bed.

"Well hello." Tobin smirks playfully and strokes Alex's cheek.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Tobin happily agrees and crashes their lips together. Alex rolls on top and moves her lips down to Tobin's neck. Tobin lets out a soft moan and runs her hands over Alex's backside, softly squeezing it. Alex sucks gently on Tobin's neck and runs her hands under her shirt. Tobin can feel the warmth in between her legs and decides to retaliate. She brings her leg in between Alex's and gently pushes up applying pressure where Alex needs her most. Tobin smirks as she hear Alex moan her name.

"Fuck, Tobin."

Tobin slipped her hands under Alex's shirt and played with her shorts waistband. Alex continued to kiss down Tobin's neck, biting and sucking it harshly knowing there will be a mark soon enough.

"Lex," was all Tobin could get out.

"Yo! Team dinner in five!" Abby screamed through the door.

Alex and Tobin were breathless and their eyes were full of lust.

"Later. Definitely later." Alex said as she nipped one last time at Tobin's neck.

Tobin groaned and watched as Alex got up off of her. She couldn't help it and grabbed Alex's wrist and pulled her back down. Tobin forced their lips together and automatically deepened the kiss. Tobin was the first to pull away.

"That's for later also," Tobin said with a final wink and got off the bed. "You coming?"

Alex saw the smirk on Tobin's face and stood up. "Yeah but I think I'm hungry for something else." She said with a seductive smile.

Tobin raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I feel like the team may wonder why neither one of us are at dinner. So let's go because the faster we eat, the faster we can finish this."

Alex just nodded and grabbed Tobin's hand pulling her out of the room.

Tobin only laughed and walked down to dinner. Everyone looked at them when they entered cause they were a good ten minutes late.

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