Chapter Sixty-Four

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Chapter 64:

Kona was fast asleep on Tobin's lap as she watched Barça play on TV while Alex was upstairs showering.

"Dang maybe getting a puppy was a bad idea if I would have known he was going to replace me." Alex smirked walking into the living room with her hair still wet.

Tobin laughed at her, rubbing Kona's head, "Well someone had to keep me entertained while you were gone."

"You could have joined me," she said with a wink before gently picking up the little puppy and putting him on his dog bed.

"Hm I didn't know that offer was on the table," Tobin joked pulling Alex down on to her lap, "next time you need to give me a proper invitation."

"Here's your invitation," Alex said leaning down taking hold of Tobin's bottom lip in between her teeth, pulling on it lightly.

Tobin didn't want to let Alex tease her so she roughly slammed their lips together causing Alex to moan.

"Eager, aren't ya?" Alex teased.

Tobin began to place kisses on her jawline, "Well I have to make up the time I missed because I wasn't in the shower with you."

"Come on babe, in front of the puppy. He's too young to be seeing this." She joked.

"He's asleep. Just don't try to be too loud." Tobin replied nipping at her neck.

After a few minutes of making out which they seemed to be doing a lot of since they got their own place, Alex pulled away.

"Weren't you watching the game?" Alex asked innocently trying to slow their pace down turning her head towards the TV.

Tobin gave her a goofy grin, "I found something better to do."

"Cheesy but still cute. But there is something we need to talk about that I just remembered."

That made Tobin get serious, "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant," Alex said with a straight face but a smile cracked through.

She rolled her eyes, "Hilarious but seriously what do we need to talk about?"

"Well first, remember we need to pack tonight because we leave for Boston tomorrow and...Servando called," Alex could feel Tobin tense up under her so she continued quickly, "and he just wanted to say that he's happy for us. He said that he knew he wasn't good enough to me and he's glad I found someone that was."

Tobin relaxed slightly but still protectively had her arms wrapped around Alex's waist.

"I know he was a jerk and a dick-"

"And a lying asshole that broke your heart after four years of dating," Tobin said cutting Alex off.

"Babe, he's apologized many of times to me and my family and he's obviously happy for us. What I wanted to talk to you about is I want to invite him to our wedding."



"Lex, I know you believe he has changed but I still don't trust him and I would really appreciate it if the guy that broke my future wife's heart wasn't at our wedding."

Alex shook her head, "You're being unreasonable, Tobs. It's been over a year since that happened and remember he apologized right after I found out yet he didn't try to make me stay with him. He knew he messed up and accepted it."

"He broke your heart! You were heartbroken for several months, I had to be the one there for you while he didn't have to suffer anything! I don't want him at our wedding."

Alex got off of Tobin in frustration, "You're not listening! Yes I was heartbroken but I forgave him and you should too! And I'm sorry I was such an inconvenience to you that you were the one who had to comfort me. Don't act like you didn't enjoy that because it was your chance to get closer to me. "

"That's bullshit, Alex, and you know that! Every second I spent with you during those months was as your best friend nothing more. I was just trying to make sure you were okay! The feelings just came with it!"

"Why are you being so difficult then?! We are getting married, Servando is nothing more than a friend and he was apart of my family for four years. He deserves to be at our wedding!"

"No he doesn't when he cheated on you with your college roommate while you were in Portugal!"

"Thanks for bringing that up again!"

Tobin was now standing also, "He's not invited to our wedding. End of discussion."

"Not end of discussion!" Alex yelled at her.

"Why the hell do you want him at our wedding so bad?!"

"Because I miss him!"

That made Tobin shut her mouth.

Alex immediately began to back track, "I didn't-it's not-that's not what I meant."

"Sure, you know what Alex maybe you and Servando were meant to be."

"That's not what I meant, Tobin, and you know it! I said I miss him because I miss having him as a friend. I know we dated for four years but he was one of the best friends I've ever had and it's taken work but we are finally getting back to that point. I love you Tobin and only you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are my best friend and always will be but I also want my old friend back."

Suddenly Kona woke up and started to bark like a chihuahua.

Alex sighed because she was tired of arguing, "We'll discuss this later until then I'll be in our room."

Tobin threw her head back and sat down on the couch. Kona playfully jumped up into her lap and gave out a small bark.

"What do I do, little guy? Is it really worth arguing with Alex over and I should just agree to invite him?"

Again Kona gave out another bark, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am being a little harsh, I mean I love Alex and I should trust her to be friends with him again. I'll talk to her when she calms down later tonight. Okay bud?"

Once again, he barked and Tobin could have sworn there was a smile on his face.

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