Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7:

"ALEX! Wake up! It's already 8:45 and breakfast is at 9!" Tobin shouted when she looked at her phone.

"Ugh back to sleep, Toby." Alex mumbled.

"Unless you want to explain to the team why we are half naked on the roof and didn't make it to breakfast I suggest you get up." Tobin said while throwing on her white v-neck and quickly pulling on her jeans.

"Fine grumpy pants." Alex moaned and got up throwing on her dress from the previous night. "You know if anyone sees us in the halls, they are going to question why we are dressed up when we have training at 11."

"I'm calling Kelley to make sure the path is clear." Tobin said pulling out here phone, "but first good morning, love." And she quickly gave Alex a peck on the lips.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good morning to you too, babe." She said sticking her tongue out.

After a quick chat with Kelley who said the halls were cleared because mostly everyone was down at breakfast, Tobin and Alex sprinted to their rooms. They both threw on their respective training gear and ran down to breakfast which they arrived at 8:59.

"You two look like you just ran five miles." Abby joked.

"Yeah where were you guys last night and this morning? Because you never came back to our room." Cheney asked. "And when I went to Kelley's room neither one of you were there."

"Yeah since it was our day off, me and Alex explored the area and had a really late dinner. And I didn't want to wake you so I just spent the night at Alex's and Kelley's room." Tobin said while taking her seat.

"You two are doing something. I don't know what but we'll figure it out." Syd said raising an eye brow.

Tobin and Alex both let out a forced laugh. They didn't like hiding their relationship but they weren't sure how the team would react if they told them.

"Okay Syd. We're not hiding nothing." Alex said.

This made Kelley and Hope to look at each other and smirk. They were way less obvious than Tobin and Alex but they have been only together for a few days. After breakfast, the team loaded onto the bus and Alex and Tobin sat next each other, making sure no one could see that they were holding hands. At training, the team was really starting to click and with their first send off game in two days, it was happening at the right time. Pinoe's corners were perfect, Tobin was serving amazing crosses, all the forwards finishing was solid, the team was ready for Monday's game. When they got back to the hotel, everyone dispersed to different rooms or that's what Tobin and Alex thought. About half the team gathered in Pinoe's and Moe's room to discuss an issue they thought was important.

"Okay, gals. We all know Tobin and Alex are hiding something but they seem to not want to tell us." Pinoe stated.

"Are we seriously having a discussion about this?" Hope asked.

"Yes because we're family and whatever is going on in their lives, we should know about!" Pinoe said.

"Come on, Pinoe. They have personal lives outside of us, I think we shouldn't try to force whatever it is out of them." Kelley said trying not to give away that she knows anything.

"No I agree with Pinoe. It's annoying seeing how they interact but yet they won't tell us anything. My bet is that they are dating." Syd said with a smirk.

Hope and Kelley turned towards each other and swallowed hard.

"Seriously Syd? That isn't reasonable. We all know neither one of them would ever man up and admit their feelings." Ashlyn said which earned her a hard jab from Ali.

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