Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17:

The team arrived in Winnipeg, Canada, and was immediately greeted by media. Right when they stepped off the plane, reporters were pulling the main starters away for interviews. Alex got pulled away by an ESPN reporter while Tobin got pulled away by a New York Times reporter.

"So Alex, are you excited about the World Cup starting?"

"Of course, this is what we have been training for the past three years."

"So Tobin, are you excited for the World Cup?"

"Definitely, we weren't happy with the results we got last time so we are back and hungrier than before."

Tobin and Alex looked away from their reporters and met each other's annoyed eyes which caused them both to crack a smile. Each reporter asked a few more questions until Jill called that it was time to go to the hotel. Alex and Tobin sighed a sigh of relief and met back up with each other as they got on the bus.

"I hate reporters." Alex said first plopping down into her seat.

"Are you excited for the World Cup? Are you nervous? How do you feel about the group of death?" Tobin mocked as she took her seat. "Like can't they come up with original questions."

"And I hate how they feel the need to bring up the 2011 World Cup in every interview. Like seriously." Carli said walking on to the bus.

"Right?! Like it's hard enough knowing we fell short of our goal but having every reporter remind us about it isn't going to help us win this one." Ali complained.

"I think we all just need to forget the reporters, forget about 2011, and focus on this World Cup." Abby stood up facing the rest of the team. "This is our year and we don't need distractions."

That shut up everyone and the rest of the bus ride was silent. The team pulled up to the hotel and were immediately greeted by United States fans that were cheering for them.

"Looks like we have home field advantage this time around." Kelley joked.

Each player signed a few autographs and took some pictures before actually going into the hotel and getting their key cards.

"Okay fitness meeting in an hour so don't be late." Dawn told them before everyone headed up to their rooms.

"You guys only have an hour, remember?" Kelley threw a wink at them before heading up with Christen.

Tobin and Alex shook theirs head and headed up to their own room. Tobin threw her bag in the corner while Alex actually unpacked. Tobin laid on her bed as she watched her girlfriend put away her clothes neatly.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or...?" Alex raised an eyebrow with a hand on her hip.

"Just admiring the view." Tobin smirked before grabbing her hand, pulling Alex on top of her.

Tobin kissed the corner of her mouth, across her jawline, then down her neck. "I've missed you."

Alex laughed a little. "I think you've said that already."

"Doesn't mean it's any less true." Tobin said with all seriousness before bringing her face back to meet Alex's. "I never did like being away from you, even before we started dating."

"Stop talking and kiss me." Alex said, closing the gap between them.

Their tongues fought for dominance but with Alex on top, Tobin let her take the lead. Alex took hold of Tobin's bottom lip in between her teeth. Tobin's hands wandered Alex's back and ended up resting on her ass. Alex shoved her hands under Tobin's shirt and began scratching across her abs causing Tobin's hip to buck off the bed.

"Lex." Tobin moaned out while squeezing Alex's ass.

Alex smirked before dipping her head back down to Tobin's neck.

"Lex, lex stop." Tobin whispered seriously.

"What? What's wrong?"

"My phone's vibrating." She said before reaching into her pocket and noticing it was her alarm going off about the fitness meeting. "We gotta go if we want to show Jill that we can room together."

"Ugh fine." Alex groaned before rolling off of her girlfriend and standing up, offering a hand to Tobin.

Tobin happily took it and got of the bed, walking down to the meeting room.

"Oh wow you two are actually early, that's shocking." Pinoe stated.

Tobin glared at her. "Ha ha ha. Hilarious."

"Seems like an hour wasn't enough time for them." Kelley whispered quite loudly to Ash.

Alex grabbed the closest thing to her, which was a full water bottle, and chucked it at Kelley.

"Hey!" Kelley screamed, dodging the water bottle just in time.

She bent down and picked it back up, totally prepared to throw it back at Alex but Dawn and Jill walked in before she could.

Dawn clapped her hands together. "Okay ladies! Time to discuss the workout schedule for this first week!"

"So today is Thursday, June 2nd. That means we have six days until the Australia game to get into the best of shape." She started. "Starting tomorrow we will have a weight workout every morning at 10. Then a light team lunch at noon will be enforced every day. Training starts at 2 and goes till 4 pm. Team dinner will be at 5 and then you guys are free to do whatever. Your off day this week is Sunday so feel free to do what you please. Any questions?"

Everybody shook their heads no.

"Okay then you are dismissed." Jill said walking out.

"What time is it anyways?" HAO asked.

"It's 6 o'clock. So who wants to go get dinner?" Becky suggested.

"Yeah let's go. Tobin, Alex you coming?" Syd raised an eye brow and had a smirk on her face.

"Of course. We are a team right." Alex said with a smile. "Wouldn't want to show Jill that we are skipping out on team functions."

"Suck ups." Ashlyn mumbled.

"Nah more like I enjoy sharing a room with my girlfriend and I don't want to mess that up. Maybe if you and Ali were smarter back when you two started dating, you would be able to share a room also." Tobin joked.

"Yeah wasn't it you two who skipped like several team dinners at the Algarve Cup?" Alex said joining her girlfriend's side.

"Oh shut up let's just go to dinner." Ali mumbled before grabbing Ashlyn's hand.

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