Chapter Fifty-Four

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Chapter 54:

"So Alex, convince Tobin to let you guys get a dog?" Kelley asked as they boarded their flight to New York.

"No." She huffed out.

Tobin smirked behind her, "I'm very persuasive."

"Okay TMI." Kelley groaned while sitting next to Hope.

"What's TMI?" Hope asked.

"About how Tobin persuaded Alex to not getting a dog."

Hope laughed, "Smart move."

Kelley slapped her arm lightly.

"Hey I never said I would do it!"

"We should get a dog, Ali!" Ashlyn said giddily.

"No." Ali replied quickly shooting down the idea.

Ashlyn pouted at her but dropped it.

The flight was long because they were legit flying coast to coast so about half way through, most of the girls were asleep.

"Christen I'm bored." Julie whispered.

"Go to sleep." She replied not opening her eyes.

"I'm not tired though and I don't know how you are speaking you slept longer than me this morning."

Christen shook her head. "Be quiet and let me sleep babe."


Julie sat in silence for a few minutes before her boredom came back.

"Christen, wake up."

"Julie I'm about to hit you if you try to keep talking to me."

That comment made a light go on in Julie's thoughts.

She leaned in towards christen ear.

"Even if I'm talking about how much I would love making you moan my name right now." Julie whispered, placing a kiss right below her ear.

Christen kept her eyes closed but bit her lower lip.

"Or how bad I want to take you right now and make you scream loud enough for those with headphones in to hear you."

With her eyes still closed, Christen bit down harder on her lip.

"Are you at least dreaming about me right now? Preferably me naked on top of you."

"Julie..." Christen whispered with a hint of threat in her voice.

"Meet me in the back cabin in a few minutes if you want to take me up on my offer." Julie smirked before getting up and walking to the back.

Christen stayed where she was for a little bit because A. She couldn't believe Julie and B. She was incredibly turned on.

Finally, she opened her eyes and released her almost bleeding bottom lip and got up making her way quietly to the back.

Opening the very last door, she saw JJ on her phone leaning against on of the rows.

"Couldn't just let me sleep?" Christen said approaching her girlfriend.

"You could have went back to sleep. It was only an offer." Julie smirked at her, pocketing her phone.

Christen snakes her arms around Julie's neck, playing with the baby hairs that fell from her ponytail. "Yeah but I wouldn't get much knowing you were waiting so patiently back here for me."

"Good choice then."

Christen slammed their lips together in anticipation and Julie automatically wrapped her arms around her waist.

An intense make out session started with their tongues fighting for dominance and hands searching for bare skin.

Christen shoved Julie down into a seat before positioning herself on her lap.

Julie's hands roughly shoved Christen's shirt up until she completely removed it, letting her hands trail across the newly revealed flesh.

As her hands wandered, she moved her lips to Christen's neck, sucking and biting purposely trying to leave a mark.

"Fuck." Christen moaned as her hips involuntary started grinding across Julie's center.

Alex was asleep in Tobin's lap so Tobin continued running her fingers through her hair humming softly.

"Tobin!" HAO whispered to her across the aisle.

"What?" Tobin asked in reply.

"Can you go to the back of the plane and see if there are drinks?" HAO said knowing that two of their teammates were alone back there.

"No. You go do it!" Tobin whispered gesturing to the sleeping Alex on her lap.

"I don't want to." HAO said. "Kelley go to the back cabin."

"Why?" Kelley replied.

"Just do it!"


"Someone go to the back cabin!" HAO said a little too loudly for everyone's liking, waking up almost all of them.

"Babe babe babe, stop." Christen said. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Julie asked continuing to roam Christen's torso with her hands.

"I swore I heard someone say that someone needs to go to the back cabin."

"You're delusional. Now may I continue?" Julie smirked dipping her head back down.

"HAO shut up!" Kling laughed sleepily.

"No just go check!" HAO pleaded.

Kling finally got up. "Fine I'll go."

"Seriously JJ I hear someone walking!" Christen said panicked, searching for her shirt and throwing it on.

"You're hearing things." JJ groaned as Christen got off of her.

Never less than a minute later, Kling opened the door finding JJ and Christen sitting next to each other.

"Why are you guys back here?" She asked.

"We were talking and didn't want to wake anyone up." Christen replied quickly.

"Nice to know that some of our teammates are RESPECTFUL!" She yelled making sure HAO heard her.

"What are you doing back here?" JJ asked.

Kling laughed. "HAO was trying to make one of us go back here for some reason. I think she's loosing it."

Christen and JJ laughed awkwardly with her before standing up and walking back to the main cabin.

They both glared at HAO as they passed her knowing that her plan was to make one of their teammates catch them in the act.

"Back to bed." Kling smiled lazily before shoving her face back into her pillow.

"Be quiet." Alex mumbled.

"We're almost to New York, babe. I'll wake you when we land." Tobin smiled down at her.

Once their flight landed, they boarded the bus and got to the hotel.

As they all headed to their rooms, JJ and Press stopped HAO in the lobby.

"You are mean!" Julie said sternly.

HAO smiled at them, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Mhm hm. Don't act innocent. You were trying to get someone to catch us doing it well nice try but we were just talking." Christen said.

"Oh yeah that's what the giant hickey on your neck is saying."

Christen groaned. "Damn it, Julie!"

"My bad!" She said holding back laughter.

"But seriously guys? On a plane? Trying to join the mile high club?"

"Oh shut up." The couple said at the same time.

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