Chapter Sixty-Five

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Chapter 65:

After about half an hour, Tobin finally decided she would be able to calmly talk to Alex and hopefully avoid another fight. She headed up the stairs towards their bedroom and saw the door slightly open which was a good sign because that usually means Alex is willing to talk.

"Lex..." Tobin said carefully, pushing the door open all the way, "can I come in?"

Alex was laying with her head propped up against the headboard, "It's your room too."

Tobin looked for any signs that would tell her to not talk to her at that moment, but not seeing any she decided to lay next to her.

The couple sat in silence for what felt like forever but in reality it was less than a minute.

"I know you miss Servando but those words cut deep, Alex. Like you were prepared to married him and if he didn't mess up, you would be married to him and that hurts. It's hard to be okay with inviting your ex when your ex was also your fiancé at one point."

"But Tobin-"

"No, Lex," she said cutting her off, "I know you trust him and want your friend back but please see this from my point of view. The last thing I need is Servando trying to win you back on our wedding night."

Alex groaned, rolling over to face Tobin, "Fine if it bothers you that much, we won't invite him."

"I feel like you're still not happy with me," Tobin whispered, staring up at the ceiling.

Throwing an arm around Tobin's waist and nuzzling into her side, Alex sighed, "I am but all I want to do is cuddle with my fiancée right now so be quiet."

"For how much I would love to do that," Tobin gave a small smile and placed a kiss on the top of her head, "we need to pack for Boston."

They packed mostly in silence, both still sensing the tension from their earlier fight.

"Are we just going to ignore each other until this magically solves itself?" Tobin blurted out while zipping up her suitcase.

"You know what," Alex was not in the mood to argue again, "if you don't want Servando to be at our wedding, you call him yourself and tell him the reason why."

"My pleasure," Tobin said, "Give me your phone, I'll call him right now on speaker."

Alex handed over her phone and watched Tobin call his contact number. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Hey Lex." He answered happily and the use of her nickname almost made Tobin hang up right away.

"Hey Servando, it's actually Tobin."

"Is something wrong with Alex?"

"No I needed to call you to tell you that we will not be inviting you to our wedding because I honestly believe you don't deserve to be after what you did to Alex."

That irritated Servando because he already apologized and Alex has already forgiven him.

"How bout put Alex on the phone and let me hear what her opinion is. I've already gotten her to forgive me and I've earned back my trust. Pretty soon she'll be back in love and come back to me." He said aloud not knowing Tobin had him on speaker and Alex was in the room. She was about to yell something but Tobin quickly covered her mouth wanting him to continue.

"You do realize I could go tell her that right now?"

"She wouldn't believe you. Remember I've known her since college and she would just think you are trying to make me look bad. I'm sorry Tobin but I will get my girl back before you two marry. I can bullshit to her all I want about how happy I am for you two and you deserve her. But if anything I deserve her more than you cause I know Alex is no dyke."

Tobin smirked at the last comment and removed her hand from Alex's mouth, giving her permission to say something.

"You fucking dirty liar. I can't believe I almost let you trick me again! And I also can't believe I didn't believe my own fiancée when she said we couldn't trust you. Never talk to me again." With that, Alex ended the call.

Right after she ended the call, Alex flung herself until Tobin's arms and began to cry. Tobin loved nothing more to be right but she realized that this time it was a double edge sword because Alex basically got heartbroken again by him.

"I'm so sorry, Lex, I just wanted to prove my point not upset you like this," Tobin said trying to calm her down, stroking her hand through her hair gently.

Alex buried her face into Tobin's neck, "No I'm sorry I didn't believe you. If I would have just believed you from the start, none of this would have happened."

"Don't apologize. Let's just go to bed and fly to Boston tomorrow."

They woke up the next morning with their limbs tangled and bodies pressed against each other.

Tobin knew better than try to get of bed while Alex was still sleeping so she just laid in bed awake day dreaming.

She thought back to when they first met in 2009, the year Alex got called up to her first senior team camp.

A camp was being held for some friendlies coming up and Tobin, who has already been a consistent call up for almost a year was invited back but this time was different. The camp was in Philadelphia and was suppose to last a week. When Tobin arrived, she got her key and went to her room to unpack. Opening the door, she hoped that she was rooming with Cheney or ARod wasn't.

"I'm guessing you're new?" Tobin smirked as the girl was unpacking her entire suitcase, making her jump from the sudden noise.

"Yeah I am." The girl said shyly, turning around to face her.

"I'm Tobin Heath, 1/3 of the New Kids." She smiled offering her hand which the girl slowly shook.

"I-I'm Alex Morgan."

Tobin chuckled at the girl's shyness and flashed her million dollar smile, "Well, Alex, I think we are going to be best friends if you remain a constant call up."

"How can you be so sure?" Alex asked with a small smile.

"Because I just know, you'll see."

That camp went perfectly and Tobin was basically right. Her and Alex connected right away and Tobin knew they had a special connection, one almost as strong as the one with her fellow new kids. That was the start of their relationship, six years ago, if they weren't roomed together that first camp.

"Why are you so smiley this early in the morning?" Alex mumbled.

Tobin kissed her temple, "Just thinking. Go back to sleep, love."

"Ooookay," she yawned out, "love you."

"Love you too. Always have, always will."

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