Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29:

"We should go on a date." Tobin blurted out as they watched a movie since it was their off day.

Alex laughed at her random outburst. "Isn't that suppose to be a question. Like do you want to go on a date with me?"

"We're dating, I don't think you have a choice to say no."

"Good point. Okay so where are we going?"

Tobin propped herself up on her arm. "I'm thinking a fancy dinner, something really nice since we haven't had a date like that yet."

"Okay are we going tonight?" Alex asked rolling over, looking at her.

"Yep around 7?"

"Perfect. What time is it now?"

"5:00." Tobin smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

Alex shoved her back and pointed towards the door. "Nope. Get out."

"What why?" She whined.

"I need to get ready and I don't want you to see me." Alex smirked. "So get out please."

Tobin groaned and got off the bed. "Let me grab what I want to wear then."

She searched her bag, knowing she didn't bring that many nice clothes but finally settled on a cream-colored dress with capped sleeves and a black belt around the waist.

"I love you!" She called back as she went to Lauren and Amy's room. 

"Love you too!" Alex laughed before calling Kelley and Syd.

"Hey, I have a date tonight. Wanna help me get ready?"

"Hell yeah be over in five." Syd and Kelley replied excitedly.

Syd and Kelley showed up and immediately started doing her hair and make up.

"Got a hot date tonight, Tobin?" Abby asked when she saw Tobin caring a dress down the hall.

"I actually do." She laughed.

"Figured. Remember curfew is still 11."

"Yes, ma'am." Tobin saluted before carrying on to Amy and Cheney's room.

"Oh hey Tobs. You in the dog house?" Cheney joked when she opened the door.

"Hilarious. But no, we have a date tonight and she won't let me stay in the room while she gets ready."

"Makes sense. But yeah you can chill in here until it's time to get ready and go." She said letting Tobin through.

"How much time do we have left, Syd?" Kelley asked putting the finishing touches on Alex's makeup.

"It's 6:20. So we still have forty minutes." She replied, curling another strand of Alex's hair.

Tobin looked over at the clock and saw it was 6:30 so she decided to get dressed. The dress stopped at exactly mid-thigh and flared out at the waist. She added some light makeup and straighten her hair.

"Wow Tobin. You look hot." ARod said as she walked out of the bathroom.

Tobin smiled. "Thanks. What time is it?"



"Are you guys done?" Alex mumbled as she sat in her dress.

"Just...about...done. And finished." Kelley smiled, backing away from Alex.

She walked over to the mirror and looked herself over.

"It's perfect, guys. Thank you." She smiled before giving both of them a hug.

Her dress was a dark, emerald green color that had white embroidery on it and was topped off with a white, sparkly belt. Her hair was down in light curls and her makeup wasn't overpowering.

Syd clapped her hands together. "You look perfect, Alex. Tobin is going to die. And just in time. It's 6:55."

"We better go. Have fun tonight." Kelley smiled before leaving the room.

The pair ran into Tobin in the hall.

Syd nodded. "Wow Tobin. You look great."

"Thank you. Is Alex ready?" She asked.

"Yeah she is. And looks gorgeous because of us." Kelley smirked, high-fiving Syd.

Tobin just laughed and went to her door, knocking which Alex opened almost immediately.

Her jaw dropped when she saw Alex.

"You are beautiful." Tobin stuttered out while checking out her girlfriend.

"You're beautiful too, Tobin. I mean damn." Alex said biting her lip.

"Ready to go, my lady?" Tobin smiled offering her arm which Alex gladly took.

It was a short cab ride to the restaurant and Tobin had a reservation made so they got in immediately.

Once they got seated, Alex took in the place around her. "Tobin, this is place is amazing."

"I thought you would like it." She smiled before taking hold of her hand across the table. "You deserve the best."

"You are the best." Alex said rubbing her thumb across Tobin's hand.

"Good evening, madams. Would you like to try our signature wine?" The waiter asked.

"No thank you. We would like some waters though." Tobin answered flashing her million dollar smile.

"Yes, of course." He said walking away pulling out his phone.

"Hello.""Is this TMZ?""Okay good guess who is on a date right now?""Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath."

Alex smiled at her. "I swear you could make anyone fall in love with you just because of that smile."

"Is that why you fell in love with me?" She smirked.

"One of the reasons. But I also fell in love with your humor, the way you believe in me, the way you stayed by my side the entire Servando situation. I love you for many reasons, Tobin Heath. I am so glad to have you in my life and I want you in my life forever."

"I'm glad to hear that, Lex, because I love many things about you too and I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else."

"So are we in agreement then? When the time is right, we will get marry."

"Yes. When the time is right, I will propose and I promise that. I know we have only been together for about three months but we have been best friends for four years, have had feelings for each other for over a year, so I know you are who I want to be with."

Alex smiled at Tobin's words. "I love you."

"I love you too, Lex. From right now to forever." She smiled back before leaning across the table to kiss her.

"Excuse me your orders are here." The waiter said apologetically.

Tobin sighed. "Oh thank you."

They ate and talked about anything and everything they could think of. When the check came, Tobin quickly paid it before Alex could argue. They caught a cab back to the hotel and held hands the entire way. When they got back, they didn't notice the four or five reporters waiting by the entrance so they exited the cab, holding hands and leaning against each other laughing.

"Alex! Are you and Tobin dating?!"
"I thought you were getting back together with Servando?!"
"Does the team know about this?"
"Isn't this distracting you guys from the World Cup?"

Questions were flown at them and Tobin quickly shielded Alex behind her, pulling her to the front door. Pictures were being taken but neither cared at the moment, they just wanted to get inside. Once inside, Tobin and Alex looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Shit." They both mumbled.

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