Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16:

Tobin and Alex didn't know if they wanted to week to speed up or slow down. They both were enjoying time with their family but they also wanted to see each other in person again. It was now the day that the entire team had to fly to New York and Alex wouldn't stop smiling the entire time in the car.

"Jesus, Lex. Do you really want to get away from us this badly?" Jeri joked.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Oh shut it, Jer. I'm excited to see Tobin and the rest of the gals again."

"But mostly Tobin." Jeni pitched in.

Pam shook her head. "Seriously, I think you three are in high school again."

Alex wished her family a goodbye when they got to the airport and was only a few hours away from seeing her girlfriend again.

Perry drove Tobin to the airport since she already wished her other siblings and parents goodbye.

"You guys have only been away from each other for a week." Perry said noticing Tobin's eagerness.

"A week too long." Tobin argued.

Perry hugged her once they arrived at the airport. "Whatever. Have fun in Canada, Tobs. Kick some ass."

"I will, Perry." Tobin yelled back as she got in line for security.

Tobin's flight landed first since she was closer to New York so she headed towards the gate they were suppose to meet at. She arrived at the gate at the same time HAO and Syd did.

"TOBS!" The two girls screamed while running over to her engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey guys!" She laughed returning the hug. "Let's go see who else is here."

The three girls walked over to the waiting area and saw Hope, Ashlyn, Ali, and Cheney.

"Hey guys." Ali said being the first to notice them.

"Hey is this all who's here right now?" Syd questioned.

"No a lot of them are wandering the airport looking for food. We're only missing Alex, Kelley, and Christen." Hope said.

"Well I'm guessing Alex and Christen are on the same flight and Kelley should be here soon. She texted me when she was boarding her flight." Tobin answered.

"HOPE!" Kelley screeched behind them while running full speed at her.

Hope automatically wrapped her arms around Kelley's waist to catch her.

"I've missed you." Kelley sighed out before looking around to make sure no one was watching then standing on her tip toes and planting a kiss on Hope's lips.

"I've missed you too, Kels."

Tobin watched sadly as she was still waiting on Alex.

"Hey what's with the long face, Tobs?" Syd asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Just want Alex to get here."

"Well looks like you don't have to wait that much longer." Syd smirked while pointing at a flight that just landed.

Tobin searched the crowd until she saw Alex walking with Christen. Their eyes made contact and both of their faces broke out into giant smiles. Alex took off running, dropping her bags in the process, and leaping into Tobin's arm. Tobin wrapped her arms tightly around her, creating as much physical contact as possible.

Alex nuzzled her face into Tobin's neck placing light kisses on the sensitive skin. "I've missed you, Tobin."

Tobin tilted Alex's chin up to give her a kiss but Alex stopped her. "We are in public, babe."

Tobin pouted before giving her a kiss anyways. "No one was looking."

Alex laughed. "Whatever you say."

She walked over and picked up her bags that she dropped before going over to the gate where they were departing to Canada from.

Jill came over and told the team that their plane has arrived and that they could start boarding. Once everyone was on the plane, Jill handed out a paper explaining the rules of the hotel basically and who each others roommates are in Winnipeg.

Roommates for Winnipeg:


Tobin's and Alex's heads shot up when they read that they were rooming together.

"And yes, Alex and Tobin, you two are rooming together. I'm doing it as a test to make sure your guys' relationship won't be affecting your play on the field." Jill said.

Tobin was startled be their coach's forwardness about their relationship. "Wait, coach, how did you find out?"

"Well some of the other coaches informed us that you two called a veterans meeting about a month or so ago and then we heard about how you two also called a team meeting after some of your teammates locked you in a closet with each other. So yes, the entire coaching staff have known for about a month now. And you guys have extra conditioning because our rules clearly state any relationship on the team has to be taken up with the coaching staff asap."

"Yes coach." Alex and Tobin said at the same time.

"Good now the flight is about to take off so everyone buckle up please." Jill said before taking her seat.

Alex and Tobin read through all the rules while the were taking off.

USWNT Rules:

1. No visitors allowed in hotel unless permitted by a coach.
2. Curfew every night is 11 o'clock.
3. Breaking of curfew will result in extra conditioning.
4. No switching of roommates unless valid reason provided.
5. No intercourse the night before or on game days.
6. Players must attend all team related activities such as breakfasts and dinners.
7. All injuries must be reported to the medical staff.
8. No drinking the entire tournament unless permitted by staff.
9. Breaking of multiple rules will led to being benched.

"Should we be worried that Pinoe is being roomed with Moe? Like do we trust her with the youngest on the team?" Alex said after finishing the paper.

"We have to make sure Pinoe doesn't do anything stupid." Tobin joked before throwing an arm around Alex. "Now can I have a proper kiss?"

Alex shook her head but connected their lips anyway. Tobin deepened the kiss for a second before pulling away. "I've missed doing that."

"You're such an idiot." Alex laughed but then got serious. "We still haven't talked about us still getting an apartment together after this."

"I still want to get an apartment with you, Lex. That hasn't changed, I think us dating has actually made me want to live with you more."

Alex pecked Tobin on the lips. "Good because I wouldn't want to live with anyone else."

"I still can't believe Jill is letting you two room together." Ashlyn scoffed from across the aisle.

"She just must trust us more than you two." Tobin joked.

"Or you two are both idiots because does no one remember when me and Ash started dating, we got to room together the first big tournament because the coaches wanted to see how we handled it?" Ali clearly stated.

Ashlyn raised an eye brow. "Oh yeah I guess that did happen. Just don't mess up, guys."

Alex laughed. "If you and Ali survived, I think we can."

"If I would have known telling the coaches about me and Hope being in a relationship would have gotten us a room together, I would have done it." Kelley pouted while curling closer to Hope's side.

"We will tell them when we get to Canada cause I'm not about to do extra conditioning." Hope said seriously.

Everyone got a laugh out of the that and then Alex yawned.

"Go to sleep, babe. I'll wake you when we land." Tobin said offering her shoulder which Alex took happily and in less than a few minutes, she was out cold.

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