Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:

Tobin was the first to wake and tried to get up to get ready when she felt something heavy on her. She looked down and saw Alex peacefully sleeping on her chest. Their legs where tangled together so Tobin knew she wouldn't be able to get up without waking her. She played mindlessly with Alex's hair and she felt Alex start to stir.

"Well hello sleepy head." Tobin laughed quietly.

"Back to sleep." Was all Alex could mumble out.

"No we got breakfast to get to." Tobin tried to get out of bed but Alex pulled her back on top of her.

Their faces were only inches apart and Tobin felt the urge to close to gap until a cough startled them apart. Kelley was standing at the end of the bed with her arms crossed.

"It's time for breakfast," was all she said before heading out the door.

Tobin rolled off of Alex and stood up quickly.

"Um I gotta go change real quick. Meet me by the elevator." Tobin quickly said as she left Alex's room.

Alex let out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding and silently cursed at herself for almost kissing Tobin. She rolled out of bed and changed into her training gear. Tobin was waiting for Alex by the elevators and the pair silently went down to breakfast. Again they were late so they were forced apart. Abby, Carli, Ali, and Ashlyn all had their eyes on Alex waiting for her to explain last night.

"What?!" Alex finally blurted out.

"What was last night? Kelley told us about this morning and how you guys feel asleep with each other." Ali simply stated.

"Everyone can tell you guys are more than friends." Kling said with a slight smile.

"Just admit it to her already." Hope just casually shrugged.

Alex couldn't take it anymore and stood up abruptly managing to bang her knee under the table. The sound caused everyone to look at the commotion and Alex just wanted out so she basically took off sprinting out the door with Tobin close behind calling her name.

"Alex! Hey, wait up! What happened?" Tobin was chasing Alex outside but Alex showed no sign of slowing down.

"Please tell me what's wrong! I don't like seeing you upset!"

That's what did Alex over, she felt the tears running down her cheeks. Tobin always looked out for her and she couldn't let a stupid crush ruin their amazing friendship. She finally reached the beach and sat down in the sand quickly wiping the tears away.

Tobin knew something was majorly wrong when she saw that Alex had tears because Alex Morgan rarely cried in public.

"Hey..." Tobin sat closely next to her with their knees bumping each other. "Is this the same thing that you came to me about last night?"

Alex could only shake her head yes and had her head in her hands.

Tobin wrapped an arm around Alex and pulled her close. "Hey hey hey I'm right here. I'm not ever gonna leave your side. I want to help but you need to talk to me. I'm your best friend you can tell me anything and I won't go running in the other direction. I promise."

Alex looked up and meet Tobin's caring eyes and at that moment decided to let everything out.

"I like you Tobin. I like hanging out with you, I like having you as a best friend, I like being able to cuddle with you until I fall asleep, I like being able to tell you anything that's on my mind. I don't want to lose you but this has been eating me up inside. I want to be more than friends with you. I want a relationship you cause damn I like you a lot and I know you probably don't feel the same way but I just felt like I needed to get it off my..."

"Alex stop." Tobin finally spoke up to make Alex stop rambling.

Alex had her bottom lip trapped between her teeth and looked up at Tobin.

"I like you too."

Those four words sent Alex over she flung herself around Tobin and made her fall back so now Alex was hovering over Tobin while she lay flat on her back.

"I really like to kiss you right now." Alex said while looking down at Tobin.

"Then do it but we're kinda in public and I really don't feel comfortable about people knowing quite yet." Tobin said as she bit her lip.

"Room now!"

Tobin laughed and was already getting pulled up by Alex. They half walked, half ran to the elevator and waited impatiently for it to arrive. They both stepped in eagerly and right when the door closed, Tobin had Alex pinned against the wall.

"Can I kiss you?" Tobin asked huskily with her arms around Alex's waist rubbing her back.

All of the sudden, Alex's lips were on hers and she almost moaned at the sudden contact. Alex's hands found their way into Tobin's hair but shortly after the kiss began to heat up, the elevator reached their floor. Alex gripped Tobin's hand and ran to her and Kelley's room. Alex flung the door open and before the door was fully closed, she had Tobin pressed against the wall kissing her with full force and passion. Tobin playfully bit Alex's lower lip which earned her a moan. Tobin slid her hands under Alex's training shirt and across her abs which caused Alex to moan even louder.

"Uh hello!"

The sudden noise made them jump apart and turn to see a confused Kelley O'hara staring at them.

"Kelley..." Tobin started but was quickly stopped by Kelley.

"I won't tell anyone but please look to see if anyone's in the room before you two go at it."

That comment made both Alex and Tobin blush bright red but then Kelley laughed.

"Congratulations though. Took you guys long enough."

They all shared a laugh then headed down to the bus and subconsciously Tobin held Alex's hand.

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