Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter 51:

The team showered at the stadium and then went back to the hotel where their family and friends were waiting.

Before even heading up to their rooms, they went to the conference room where all their closest people were.

"Tobin. Powell. Heath. You little player!" Perry joked pulling her into a hug.

"What?" Tobin asked confused but still returning the hug.

"Proposing after you win. Like no one can top that. You had to be nervous!"

Tobin laughed. "Not really. It was just a spur of the moment, I didn't mess up at least when I asked her."

"Yeah cause that was your biggest worry." Alex smirked from behind wrapping her arms around Tobin's waist. "How bout the fact I could have said no to you?"

"Honestly," she smiled, "I never had that thought because we talked about marriage so much that I wasn't even thinking about you saying no."

Alex rested her chin on Tobin's shoulder, smiling.

"How do your teammates handle you guys? You're so...gross." Perry joked.

"They love us." Alex smirked then placed a quick kiss on Tobin's cheek. "I'm gonna go talk to my family some more, come join me once your done!"

"Okay I love you." Tobin told her before she left.

"Tobin!" Her mom, Cindy, said excitedly hugging her youngest daughter.

"Hi mom." She said with a little embarrassment.

"Great game, hunny...and nice proposal." Cindy smiled with a wink.

Tobin blushed and mumbled a thanks before changing the topic.

"Oh Alex." Pamela Morgan said grinning.

Alex hugged her mom tightly before giving her dad a hug.

"Congrats on the win, you played great."

"Thanks Dad. I wish Jeni and Jeri were here though."

"They watched it on tv they said. And Jeri is furious that she isn't here when her little sister got engaged." Pam said smiling.

"I'll have Tobin call her tonight and apologize for proposing at the wrong time." Alex joked.

Pam laughed. "Speaking of, let me see the ring!"

Alex held out her left hand, showing off the ring which was big but not showy.

"Oh my god it's beautiful, Tobin did really good."

"Yeah I know I did good picking my fiancée." Tobin smirked appearing next to them.

"Great game, Tobin." Michael, Alex's dad, said.

"Thank you sir." She said smiling, wrapping an arm around Alex's waist.

"Tobin, your parents are here right?" Pam asked.

"Yes and so is Perry. They should be over there." She said pointing to a general area.

"Okay we will leave you guys to go change and get ready. Again congrats on the win and engagement!"

With that, Alex's parents were gone.

"Hmm now I remember you mentioning a bed with us in it." Tobin smirked against her ear.

"How much time do we have?" She whispered.

"Enough," was all Tobin said before placing a feather kiss on her jaw line.

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