Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20:

Tobin work up at 8:30 since breakfast was at 9 and weight session started at 10. She rolled over and saw that Cheney was already awake and Amy was gone from the room.

"Wanna talk about it?" Cheney asked gingerly.

Tobin pretended to think about it. "Nope."

"Come on, Tobs. She was just trying to have a little fun. She didn't mean for it to blow up into this huge argument."

"I'm not mad that she tried to make me jealous. I mean I'm a little mad about that but I'm mostly mad that she got mad at me first over this whole thing when it was her fault to begin with."

"Just don't let it affect your soccer please."

"It won't trust me." Tobin smiled before going down to breakfast.

The team knew their dynamic changed because the seating arrangement changed. Tobin and Alex say as far away as they could from each other and no one on the team wanted to pick sides but they almost had too.

"Alex, she'll come around but I suggest you apologize first." Julie said.

"She won't even look at me, JJ. Let alone talk to me." Alex groaned.

"Give her a day or so. And we have Australia game tomorrow so don't let it mess with your soccer." Christen said.

Alex stood up throwing away her breakfast. "Let's just go to weights."

"Okay!" Dawn started. "So tomorrow is the start of our World Cup run. We need you guys to be focused and ready. We're just gonna do some like partner stretching since tomorrow is game day. So regular partners and complete the things on the board."

Tobin and Alex looked at each other because they were regular partners and the workout was about an hour long.

"I don't bite." Tobin joked before starting the workout with Alex.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"Oh no I'm extremely mad at you but I'm not gonna let it affect my soccer so I'm going to act civil around you."

"Wow thanks. Can you just listen to me?"


"You're so difficult."

"Oh I'm difficult? Says the girl that started this whole thing then tried to act like the victim." Tobin scoffed.

"I'm sorry, Tobin. I truly am." Alex pleaded with her.

"We're not talking about this now, Alex."

"Yes we are because you can't run from me right now."

"Let's just focus on getting this workout done."

"We can focus and talk at the same time. I don't want this little fight to break us up."

"Who said anything about breaking up? I just want time, Alex. It hurts that you had the guts to be mad at me when it was your fault to begin with."

"Okay I can give you space if that's all you want." Alex said.

Tobin just nodded, signaling that the conversation was over.

Tobin and Alex danced around each other for the rest of the day. At training, they weren't connecting as good as usual but Jill didn't comment nor did any of their teammates. Tobin slept in their room that night, but in her own bed which she hasn't done since they got there.

It was the day of the Australian game and the entire team was nervous yet excited. Everyone did their own pregame rituals, even Alex and Tobin sat by each other on the bus because that was their ritual. Everyone got dressed in relative silence until Cheney started blasting music through the locker room. Pinoe and Abby were dancing in the middle, Alex was doing her visualization, and everyone else was either listening to their own music or laughing at Abby's attempts to dance. Warm-ups came and went then walk outs began.

"Hey, Lex. Good luck." Tobin said walking past here.

"Hey Tobs. You too." Alex replied.

At half, they were tied 1-1 with the Aussies and honestly that made the team nervous.

Christen's goal boosted their confidence and then Pinoe's second goal put them over the moon. The final whistle blew and Tobin's first thought was to celebrate with Alex but she remembered that they were still in a fight.

"Teammates can hug, you know that right?" Alex said behind her with a small smile.

"Yeah I know." Tobin smiled back before pulling Alex into a tight hug.

It's been about two days since they've last hugged and Tobin didn't want it to end.

"I am really sorry, Tobin-" Alex started but Tobin stopped her.

"We will talk when we get back to the hotel. Now let's go celebrate with the team."

Hoots and hollers were filling the locker room. Everyone was taking their time getting changed and showered. Jill yelled at them to hurry up so everyone kicked it into a higher gear. They were met with a crowd of USA fans so they stopped and signed things before entering the bus. Alex was already seated in her normal spot so Tobin sat next to her. Alex had her hand on the middle console so Tobin took hold of it and lightly squeezed it. To let her know that they were going to be okay.

Tobin held her hand the entire way back to the hotel and even up to their room.

"Alex-" Tobin began.

"No, Tobin. Let me go first. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an idiot, for letting Kelley convince me to make you jealous, for getting mad at you when it was my fault to begin with, to not admitting that it was my fault until now. I'm sorry for a lot of things but I've missed you. I've missed us. Two nights ago when you spent the night with Cheney and ARod, I bawled my eyes out to Syd because I thought I lost you. You were so mad at me but then yesterday, you told me you just wanted space so that gave me hope that there was still an us. I'm in for the long haul with you, Tobin Powell Heath, and I'm not willing to let this fight break us up."

"Good because I never wanted to break up, Alex. I mean when I first found out that it was yours and Kelley's idea to get me jealous, I was really mad but the thought of breaking up never crossed my mind. I just wanted space and surprisingly you gave me it the entire day yesterday. I was pretty sure I still wanted space today but after we won, the first thing I thought about was celebrating with you. That's when I realized that I wasn't mad at you anymore because I missed you too much."

"So we're good?"

"We're good if you promise to not let Kelley drag you into another one of her childish plans."

Alex laughed. "I promise."

Tobin laughed a little. "Okay speaking of Kelley, we need to get her back for this."

"Oh I agree but how?"

Tobin leaned in and whispered Alex her plan. Alex just beamed at her girlfriend's idea.

"Oh I'm in. Let's text Hope to let her know the whole situation." Alex said pulling out her phone.

"Get Kelley back for making us fight is in motion." Tobin said after Alex sent the text.

"We need a shorter mission name." Alec joke. "Now give me a kiss because I haven't had one in like two days."

Tobin obeyed and gave Alex her kiss because she missed kissing her too.

Alex face then turned serous. "Okay now let's go get the squirrel.

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