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Niall's POV

"Niaaaallll!" Louis greets me, as I walk late into a singing practice.

"Hey Lou." I say flatly. I've been in a bad mood lately.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't know. Maybe I just miss home again." I say and he's looking around me.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"Spencer always comes to our singing practices." He says and frowns.

"She has a date."


"She. Has. A. Da-"

"I heard you! Is she mad?! The paps will see her!"

"She's staying hidden. Don't worry."

"Are you mad because Spencer has a date?"


"Fine. Fine. But Harry thinks you two are perfect for eachother. He's the matchmaker around here! He got me and El together."

"Yeah that's because she's just like you."

"Yeah she is." He smiles and gets lost in his own mind for a minute.

"Let'a just go practice." I say awkwardly and head to our usual place.

I walk in and Liam gives me a funny look. Harry and Zayn do the same.

"Yes?" I ask annoyed.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"I'm in a bad mood."

"Yeah, but why?" He continues.

"I don't know! I can't just be having a bad day?!"

"Chill out Niall. We just wants to know what's up." Zayn says.

"Spencer has a date. That's why he's being such a little girl." Lou says and my face heats up.

"Shut up. It has nothing to do with that." I snap and everyone's eyebrows go up.

"Whatever lets just practice and get out of here. We can talk about it later on." Liam says and I feel relieved.

He gives my a sympathetic look and I feel confused. What happened that I needed sympathy?

We practiced with warmups and sang little things, moments, and back for you. Around two hours later, we could go wherever we wanted. Of course, the guys wanted to pester me some more, so we went to Harry's. We ordered pizza and as we waited for it, they attacked me with questions. I just had a dead face the entire time. That only made them question me more.

When the pizzas did arrive, I didn't eat my usual 6 slices, I ate only 3. That made the questions skyrocket more and I was honestly irritated with the guys by now. They were all the same question over and over again. "Why are you so upset?" I didn't know! Damn! Realize that I'm still a teenage guy and get off my back. I have hormones too. I have bad days.

"Earth to Nialler." Liam says.


"I was just saying, I think this has something to with Spencer."

"What's it got to do with her?" I ask and he groans.

"Hopeless!" Harry shouts and goes to the bathroom.

"We think she's your problem. You don't want her dating because-"

"Save it, please."

"Alright. Whatever." Liam snaps and my eyes grow wide. He doesn't snap. The other guys, sometimes, but never Liam.


"No. If you don't want our help, then don't mope around." He says and gets up to throw out the empty pizza box.

"I don't know what's wrong, though!" I shout and he sighs.

"So you're positive, that will all of your heart and soul, that this bad mood had nothing to do with Spencer having a date and the fact that you may have fallen for her?" He asks.

"Yeah, well I-" I stop myself. She's my friend. Not, my crush.

"Well what?" He says and I feel my face heat up.

"Well nothing!" I shout and storm out of the apartment.

I was done for the day. I don't have feelings for Spencer! How could Liam even try to get me to think that!? Why would he screw with my head!? It's not fair. I am done with this idea. If she wants to date some douchebag wannabe solo artist, she can have fun with that! I'm not jealous, I just know she can do better. Spencer's right guy is somewhere, but stupid Sam isn't the one for her.

Failing To Quit (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now