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Spencer's POV

So Niall had a surprise for me tonight. I didn't know what. He said he wanted to hang out, just the two of us. That was probably because Lily had been staying over since we saw the movie a week ago. Niall also wanted to take me out because next week, he leaves for several months. That, I was used to, but not really ready for.

I put on a dark red blouse, black skinny jeans, and black Keds. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, but that didn't matter. I was averagely dressed. Not too formal. Not too informal. I was ready to go when he knocked on my door.

"I'm coming." I say and open the door.

"You look really nice." He says and throws his arm around me.

We walk out the front door and head down to the car. It's felt nice lately that they haven't been swarmed by the paparazzi every day. It's their break and nothing big is going on. They actually got to relax. Hell, Niall and I walked in and out of a movie theater and no one asked us. We did have hats on, but still no one noticed us. Maybe they just got lucky this break this time. Whatever it was, was nice.

Niall pulls up to a pizza place and we walk in. I see a dance machine in the back and pull him to it. I'm starving, but I really want to play. We settle to play until our food comes. So, we order and start playing.

"I'm gonna kick your ass Niall." I tease and he raises an eyebrow.

"Keep telling yourself that." He says and we pick a random Korean pop song.

We start dancing to it and make it past level one. I check our scores. I beat Niall! I point out our scores and he rolls his eyes. We start round two and he begins to beat my score. I begin to catch up and then Niall picks me up by my waist and hugs me from behind.

"Niall I'm going to lose!" I say and try to wriggle away.

"Exactly." He grins and I hear the game end. He puts me down.

"Hey! Spencer! Guess what." He says and I don't answer. I step off the platform.

"Spencer, guess what." He says and pokes me repeatedly. I ignore him some more.

Niall hops off the platform and spins me around to face him. He looks me dead in the eyes. I can't help but grin at the eye contact and my face flushes a little. He smiles in amusement and kisses me. We break the kiss and I point to the game.

"How about another round? This time you play fair." I say and he laughs lightly.

"C'mon my lady." He says and escorts me to my side. He puts quarters in and we start playing.

We start again. I beat him again and he pays for another round. I pick the song this time. Niall groans. It's a really whiny girl song. I picked it just to annoy him. It works and halfway through he covers his ears. That guaranteed my win. We finally decide to stop and wait at the table for our pizza. It's honestly nice being on a date with Niall and no one bothered us. The place is pretty empty, seeing its nine and the dinner crowd is long gone. There's only one group in here and one other couple besides us.

We get our food and finish our slices in a matter of minutes. Dancing worked up an appetite. We decide to leave after that because we are way too full to play anything else. We hop in the car. I suspected we were going back to the apartment, but he misses the turn.

"Niall, you just-"

"Missed the turn? I know." He responds.

"But where are we going?"



"Out." He says and grins.

"Niall, where are we going?"

"I already told you."

"Out is not an answer." I say and he grins.

I fall asleep in the car and he wakes my up by shaking my shoulder.

"What a romantic way to wake a person up." I say and he laughs.

"I try. Now, c'mon." He says and gets out of the car. He opens my door and pulls me out. It's really dark out. I can barely see.

"Niall, where are we?" I ask.

"Somewhere nice." He says and holds my hand tighter.

After a few minutes of walking, we find our way to concrete ground. He pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. I look around me. We are in some type of gazebo.

"Niall, why are we here?" I ask and he just smiles at me.

"I can't have fun with my girlfriend?"

"Nope." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh well. Guess it'll be forced fun." He says and grabs my hand.

He turns around and motions me to jump on his back. I get on and he starts walking out of the gazebo. My eyes finally focus and I see we're at a pond. It has a big fountain in the middle spouting out. It's a nice place. I just wish I could see it during the daytime.

"I wanted to bring you here this morning, but I had another band meeting." He says.

"It's alright. There's no one here now, so that's even better." I say.

He boosts me up on his back and after I rest my head on his shoulder. It's comfortable and we continue walking around the pond.

"Having fun?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's nice." I say and kiss his under his chin.

"Happy you like it." He says and puts me down.

We stopped on a small bridge. I immediately take my shoes off and hang my legs off. It's just right, so only my toes touch. I hold Niall's hand above me seeing he's standing. My arm gets tired, though, so I pull him down. That actually ends with him falling onto me. He just laughs and sits directly next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder. I'm almost asleep when he nudges my head lightly with his shoulder. I look up at him and he smiles. He moves closer to my lips and kisses me. I kiss back and it lasts for a minute or two before we finally break off. This time he rests his head on my shoulder. He breaks the silence first.

"I've waited several months to tell you this." He says and I look at him funny.

"What?" I ask. I was hoping it was going to be those three big words. He pauses for a minute and seems to zone out. I elbow him and he refocuses. He smiles at me.

"I love you. I loved you when you were my best friend and I love you now that you are more than that. I love you" He says and I smile at him. My face is blushed.

"I love you too." I say.

We spend about an hour out there before we head back to the car. I honestly don't want to leave, but it's really late and he has to go to the recording studio tomorrow morning.

So, we head out. I hop on his back and he carries me back to the car. He sets me down on my side and before I open the door, he kisses me again.

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