Only Lily

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Spencer's POV

I stretched my arms out and opened my eyes wide. The sun was blinding me and I hid my face under the sheet. Finally I adjusted to the light under there and came out of my cocoon. I checked my phone and realized it was 8am.

Making my way to the kitchen, I noticed Niall asleep on the couch. I head to the coffee maker and pour two cups. I sit next to him and place his mug on the table.

"Niall." I whisper in his ear. He makes no movement. I place my mug on the table to avoid it spilling.

"Niall! Help!" I shout and he leaps off the couch.

"Wait, what?" He says and I chuckle.

"I said, your coffee is on the table."

"No! You screamed in my ear!"

"Did not."

"Did too!" He says in a little kid voice.

"Are you gonna drink your coffee or what?"

"Sure." He says and rests back down on the couch. He's closer than he was when he was sleeping. I realize and before I can, he scoots awkwardly to the side.

"Sorry." He says and drinks some of his coffee.

"Meh. It's fine." I say. It was actually warmer when he was close.

"So, what do you really want to do today? I have a free day." He says.

"I actually have to see Lily." I say and sigh. I didn't really want to know what she was up to. My parents were gone for the month.

"Can I come?" He says and shocks me.

"You want to see her?"

"Yeah. She's a fan right?"

"That's sugar coating it. Niall, you don't have to."

"I want to. Lets go!"He says and switches off the TV

"I was watching TV."

"There's shit on TV."

"You're on TV."


"I guess you're right. There is shit on TV." I say and he fakes being offended.

"C'mon lets go." He drags me up.

We head to his car and he lets me drive, seeing I know where we were going. I headed to my parents house and saw a bunch of teenagers run out the front door. I realized they were her friends, but Niall didn't connect the dots right away. He thought they were fans, which actually made me laugh to see him sink down in the car. They shot me angry looks when I got out of the car and one approached me.

"Why do you always have to be Lily's buzzkill? We're only having fun!" Her friend Stacy shouts.

"Maybe I should call your mom. Or the cops. What's your choice?" I say and smile at her sweetly.

"Whatever." She says and gets in her car.

Once they leave, Niall gets out and I open the front door. They still keep the key under the mat. I'm pretty pissed at Lily by now.

"Lilian May!" I shout and she stomps down the stairs. Niall walks into another room.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Are you fucking smoking?"

"Yeah. I am. You got a problem?"

"Yeah the fact that if mom or dad were here, you wouldn't be doing this shit. I took the fall for you and-"

"I never asked you to. That was your own stupidity." She says and smiles at me.

"I'm done! Give me your phone. I'm raiding your room for drugs. I'm-"

"You're not mom. And last time I checked, they disowned you, so you should probably get going." She says and continues stomping down the stairs.

"I'm calling mom. I'm done!" I shout and she stands up and chases after me, stumbling.

"Stop!" She yells as I reach for the phone.


"Please Spencer! One more chance please!'' She cries and falls to my feet like a little kid.

"One. More. Chance." I say and she hugs my feet.

"Thank. You." She says crying.

"Yeah. Yeah. Get off." I shake her and she stands up.

"Can I come in now?" Niall shouts and I laugh.

"Whose that?" My sister asks.


"Niall Horan?!" She screeches and runs and hugs him.

"Holy shit Lily!" I shout angrily. I'm now deaf.

"Sorry." She mumbles in his chest.

Niall looks at me frightened and I shrug my shoulders. He mouthed at me to help him and I laugh.

"Alright! Off my man." I say and Lily turns and glares at me.

"He's not your man!" She shouts and hugs him tight again.

"Could you, uh, let me go." Niall says and Lily turns pink.

"Sorry." She says and loosens her grip, but doesn't let go.

"Yeah..." He pulls her arms off of him and says, "Well. Listen to your sister and maybe we can hang out soon."

I smile at him, but Lily starts grinning like crazy.

"We?!" She shouts.

"Not like that." He says and she frowns.

"Well, you heard Niall Horan. Listen to your sister!" I say and he smiles at me.

"I will! I promise."

"Don't promise. Just do it." I say flatly and turn to leave.

Niall follows me out and when we get to the car I thank him. He just smiles and hops in.

"Your sister sure is a, um.h"

"Character." I finish his sentence and he laughs.

"Sure you can say that." He says.

"She's a little punk sometimes."

"Yeah I guessed that. Are you okay Spencer?" He asks and I realize I have a tight face still.


"You don't get that angry usually."

"She's just throwing her life away sometimes, and then she's begging me not to tell our parents. I just-this is the last straw. One more time she lets me down, I'm done."

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