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Spencer's POV

My phone buzzes and I ignore it. It was Niall. No offense to him, but he wasn't important at this moment. I wait in the bakery for my bagel and, more importantly, Sam. He wanted to talk to me. He wanted to see me again. I agreed.

He walked through the door only a few minutes late. He didn't see me at first, but after I waved my hand, he smiled and came over.

"Hey there." He breathed and sat across from me.


"Let me start with I'm sorry, okay."

"Alright. And I'll apologize right now for Niall. He was out of line."

"He was, but I'm fine with your decision. I know he's one of your best friends."

"Yeah. He is." I say and smile about him.

"So you really are living with him now?"

"Yeah. I like it."

"Oh." He says and I don't have a response.

"Are you comfortable?" He asks.

"You have to understand. Niall is my best friend. Not a boyfriend. It's media, but I will still live with him. Our friendship won't end." I say.

"I get it." He says and smiles at me. I smile back.

"Thanks. Now, want to see the rest of our amazing flat?" I ask and he looks at me strangely.

"You sure Niall won't mind?" He asks.

"He'll be fine." I say and rest my hand on his. There's no one in here, and we aren't near any windows.

We leave and head to the flat. I get to hold his hand again on the way up there. He tightens his grip and rubs my hand with his thumb. I missed holding his hand. He clearly missed my hand as well.

We got up and I gave him a tour of the flat and we sit together on the couch afterward. I turn on the TV and the first thing on is some cheap gossip show. The headline reads 'Spencer Cheating on Niall Horan' and my calm, happy face turns pale. There's a picture of Sam and I outside the bakery and one of us outside the apartment. We aren't making physical contact, but he isn't a familiar guy the fans or TV has seen. I can't hide that. I hop on twitter and Cheating On Niall is trending. I tweet "Sam and Niall are old friends and Me and Sam were going to surprise Niall! Guess the bum media ruined that. Sorry babe!" Immediately I get responses of girls saying they're relieved. Others call me a liar, but screw them.

"You alright?" Sam breaks the silence.

"Yeah. I solved it. You have to stay until Niall comes here, though. Maybe a few hours later." I say as my phone rings. It's not who I think. It's Simon. I'm in trouble now. 

"Hello?" I say nervously. 

'What are you thinking? You could have blown this entire thing! You fixed it yourself, so I'll give you a break!"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know they were there! I-''

"We'll go by your alibi. I'll call Niall. We can talk about this later. You aren't totally off the hook."

"I know Simon thank you-" and the line goes dead.

I bury my head in my hands and then grip my hair in frustration. I could have fucked this whole thing up. That kind of thing is Lily's job. I feel my eyes brim and wipe them while I'm still hunched over. I feel a hand on my back. It begins to circle and I calm down. He hushes me and I breathe normally.

"It'll be alright Spencer. You'll figure this out. You're very clever." He whispers, but, honestly, the sweet complements are not what I'm looking for. I need Niall to scold me. It sounds weird, but I actually feel better knowing I'm not the only one that thinks I'm a fool. Niall tells it to me straight. He doesn't mind telling a person they've really screwed up. Then he helps you fix it. That's what I like about Niall. He'll always help you try.

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