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Niall's POV

So, off we go! Well, almost that time. I had to finish packing my clothes and pajamas. Then I was gone tomorrow morning. Spencer was helping. She was actually rushing around making sure I had everything I wanted. I told her when she comes to visit, she can just bring anything I forgot.

"That won't be necessary." She says.

"Hey. Let me pack, alright? Just relax with me." I say and hug her from behind.

"Niiiiaaaallll." She drags out my name annoyed.


"Nothing." She turns in my arms and smiles at me. It's a funny smile, though, not a genuine Spencer smile.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." She says and hugs me around my neck.

"No really, what's wrong?"

"I'm gonna miss you."

"It's all good." I say and kiss her forehead.

"I know, I know. I'm just used to seeing you."

"Yeah, and I'm used to seeing you, too. I'm gonna miss seeing you every day and you rubbing my head, but we'll be fine. You know?"

"I'm just worried things will change when you go away. Not just any small things, but us in general."


"Well, I won't see you for awhile. It's tough on couples doing a kind of long distance thing. Some people can make it work others can't." She says and starts reorganizing my suitcase.

"We will." I say and she doesn't change her stance.

"Yeah." She mumbles.

"Hey." No answer.

"Spencer." No answer.

"Hello?" I say and tap her shoulder.

"What?" She responds, still fixing my suitcase.

"Turn around." I say and she turns to face me.

"Now, are we gonna make this work or what?" I say and a small grin plays on her lips.

"Well?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says and hugs me tightly.

"Good." I say and rest my chin on her head.

"Can I finish you suitcase now?" She asks.

"So responsible." I say and sit on my bed next to the suitcase.

"Do you mind if I sleep in here tonight?" She asks shyly and I can't help but grin from ear to ear.

"I don't know..." I say messing with her mind.

"Alright. I just thought it'd be nice to sleep in an actual bed than on the couch like we have been." She says and turns to my dresser, picking up my t-shirts.

I sit up and pull her back onto my lap. She curls up and rests her head on my chest.

"I was kidding before. We definitely can sleep in the same bed." I say and hug her in my arms.

"Good and I'm done with your suitcase so I'll get it off the bed." She says and kisses me on the way up.

"Thanks again." I say and lay back on the bed.

"No problem." She says and drags my suitcase out the bedroom door.

I relax and put my arms behind my head. I've never experienced leaving my girlfriend home while I head out on tour. It has to be similar to leaving family, right? I already hated that. I still had to tell my mom Spencer and I are together now. I wanted to tell her in person, but I hadn't seen her since before Spencer and I first got together. She was going to kill me for not telling her right away. I did hint at it a week or two ago, though.

Spencer breaks my thoughts when she enters my room again. She plops on the bed and lays back, so she's next to me. I turn my head to face hers. She's staring at the ceiling, thinking about something. I move my arm so I can wrap it around her. I pull her closer and she snuggles into me. I use my free arm to wrap around her and squeeze her.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"Just a surprise."

"What kind of surprise?"

"A surprise for you. You'll get it when you land tomorrow."


"It'll be with you."

"Where is it?"

"With Louis. Will that get you to hush about it?"

"How is it with Louis?"

"It's not. He's just the first person that popped into my mind in the band and he's big on surprises."

"So you won't tell me?"

"No so shut up about it." She says and I laugh.


We fall asleep like that on the bed. I have to get up at 4am and so does she if she wants to drive me to the airport. We only get a few hours of sleep, but I feel alright when I wake up. Goodbyes are always kind of sad. I kiss her about five or six times from the car to our terminal. Right before I walk through the gate, is sad. I look back and she is standing with the other girls. They're smiling at us. All of them have a kind of sadness masked with the happy face. They all look kind of proud too. I'm happy Spencer is here. I finally have a girlfriend to wave me goodbye! That's a good feeling.

Failing To Quit (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now