Everyone Together

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Niall's POV

Everyone wanted to have a party at one of our places before we head out on tour. We chose Liam and Alaina's, seeing they own a house. Spencer was in our kitchen making something for the party. I'm just sitting on the couch waiting for her to finish. All of a sudden, she startles me with an outburst.

"What the hell?!" She shouts and slams the oven door shut.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The brownies won't bake! They've been sitting in here for an hour. The oven doesn't even feel hot anymore!" She yells.

I walk over and start laughing. She gives me the death stare and then looks at me confused. I finally calm down and tell her what she did.

"Did you press the timer button?" I ask.

"Yeah! I set it for an hour." She says and crosses her arms.

"Did you set it for sixty?"

"No, I set it for one." She answers and I start laughing.

"That means one minute."



"Are you kidding me?!"

"No." I say and start laughing again. Spencer never does stuff like this, so when she does I like to make a fool out of her.

"You didn't realize it?" I ask.

"No. I jumped in the shower right after I put them in. Does the oven turn off when the timer ends?"


"That's stupid."

"It's so food doesn't get overlooked. So it doesn't get ruined." I say and laugh some more.

"Great. Now we have to go to the store and get stuff." She says.

"Alright. Let's get going. We're already late." I say and she nods.

We head to the grocery store. The parking lot is pretty full. Spencer volunteers to go in on her own, which I am completely against. I head in with her. I realize it's alright seeing most of the people in there are moms. They usually don't bother us. A few take pictures of us. We make our way to the snack isle. We pick up Ruffles, Pepsi, Cheetos, and Pretzels for the party. We also get a few bags of sour patch kids from the candy isle. In the isle, Spencer and I get stopped by a fan. She actually runs up and hugs me before saying anything to me. I pat hug her back and then she lets me go.

"Um, hi." I say.

"Hey!" She says and turns to Spencer.

"Hi." Spencer says and smiles.

"You guys are amazing! I love you so much! What are you doing at a grocer?" She asks.

"Getting snacks for a band party tonight." I answer.

"Cool!" She says.

"So, what's your name?" I ask.


"How about your twitter name?" I ask and Spencer takes out her phone.

"@Selenethequeen" she answers. I search her name and follow her. Spencer does the same.

"Consider yourself followed." I say and she grins brightly.

"Thanks guys!" She says and hugs us both.

"You want a picture too?" Spencer asks and the girl nods.

We take pictures and the girl hugs us again. Then she leaves. We pay right after she walks off. No one else stops us before we leave. We head over to Liam and Alaina's place.

"Late!" Alaina yells and then hugs us both. I hold up the stuff we bought.

"I guess that'll make up for being late to the party." She says.

Everyone else is there already. Rachel and Harry are sitting on the couch talking to Louis and Eleanor. Zayn is there too, but Perrie couldn't be here. The girls are doing radio tours in the United States. They've been really busy lately. Zayn puts on a happy face, though. He's proud of her. You can see it in his eyes. He just misses her a lot. Spencer walks over to the crowd and sits down. I go talk to Liam and Alaina.

"So, how are Spencer and you doing lately?" Alaina asks.

"You ask me this all the time. We're good, Alaina. Really, really good." I answer and smile.

"Good mate. Well, lets go over with everyone else. I unpacked all the food." Liam says and brings the stuff over to the table.

I walk over and sit next to Spencer on the couch. It's nice to all hang out at one of our places. We decide to watch the horror movie Sinister. None of us had seen it before. Spencer hates horror movies, but says she'll watch it seeing we're all here. She grabs the pretzel bag. Then she snuggles into me as we press play.


The movie was more dramatic than scary up until the last half hour. Then it went crazy and Spencer was digging her head into my chest. At one point, she knocked the pretzel bag all over us and the floor. I started cracking up and Spencer laughed too. That made everyone else laugh and lightened the creepy mood. It got really freaky though, when Liam and Alaina's dog, Tuck, came over and started eating the pretzels. It sounded really funky while watching a movie like Sinister. There were so many random ways he killed people, we thought it was part of the movie. Everyone was so freaked out until Rachel yelled "It's the dog!" She's as skittish as Spencer is. Although, the noise of crunching and cracking pretzels scared all of us.

We decided to watch a funny movie after that. We chose the movie Hot Rod with Andy Samburg in it. I had seen it before and loved it. Within the first ten minutes everyone is enjoying it. We all seem to forget about Sinister and laugh at Andy's character. About halfway through the movie I look up and see its midnight. We have plenty of time to watch more movies. Rachel suggests we watch Struck by Lightning and it's an amazing movie.

After that, we call it quits. Everyone slowly falls asleep until Zayn and I are the last ones awake. Spencer snuggles into my chest more and I begin to rest, as well. I look over and see Zayn has passed out now too. This leaves me awake alone. I rest my head on the back of the couch. My last thought before I fall asleep is how much I'm going to miss hanging out like this. It's been nice being out of the spotlight, and now we're going to hop right back in it.

Failing To Quit (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now