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Niall's POV

I woke up and peeked onto Spencer's room. She was asleep still. I picked up my car keys in the kitchen and went along with my mission. I had spent all night thinking about what was going on and I was finally ready. I got out of the elevator. I was honestly shaking a bit. I was really nervous about what I was going to do. It could go one of two ways. I would be heard out or I would be shut out. Maybe even shut out by Spencer. I arrived at my destination. I was shaking worse than before. I went up and knocked on the door. Her mother answered.

"Hello." She said, semi-confused.

"Hey. I'd like a word with your husband." I say and she nods.

I follow her up the hallway and my shaking begins again. I try to calm as I go up the stairs, but it doesn't work. I shouldn't have expected it to. I was about to confront her father about what he had done.

"Can I help you?" He asks as I enter what looks to be an office.

"Yes,well, I'm here for Spencer." I say.

"I have no interest in her." He says harshly.

"Why not?"

"She's immature. Lily doesn't need that."

"She is mature."

"I was the judge of that. She is not mature and a bad influence."

"She's been pushing Lily to do better in school and wants her safe. She knows that separating from Lily is not only bad for herself, it's bad for her sister."

"Spencer never pushed her sister to do better."

"Yes she did!" I start to yell.

"It's best for Lily to keep them apart from one another." He answers.

"No it's not."

"You have no right-"

"I have a right to fight for my girlfriend and her sister!" I shout.

"Not in my house." He says and stands from his desk.

"I can take this fight anywhere." I say and he stares me down.

"Out." He says. I don't move.

"Out." He raises his voice. I stay.

"Out!" He yells. I stand firm.

"Get out of my house! You know nothing about my family!" He yells.

"I know your daughter enough to know she's what's best for Lily." I say and he glares at me.

"You're insulting me-"

"I don't give a shit!"

"Niall..." I hear a small voice behind me. It's Lily.

"Lily! Are you okay? Are you better? Have people stopped-"

"Niall. Stop. I think my dad is right. You should head out." She says and I'm shocked.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll talk to my dad. I want to see Spencer, but, I'm sorry, you won't change his mind." She says and takes my arm with her good arm.


"Niall go. Tell Spencer hi. Hopefully I'll see her before next year." She says as we get to the front door.

I hug her lightly and she hugs me back. She feels so small and like a porcelain doll. I walk out the door and she shuts it. I'm left outside and I walk to my car. I sit in the driveway for several minutes thinking about everything. Hopefully Lily could figure this out. Hopefully it would be in the next two weeks because after that, we start touring again and I have to leave.

Failing To Quit (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now