Looking back....

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[Still Prince 's POV ] Next Day

I woke up and Ava was down stairs making breakfast.I threw my hair into a ponytail and walked down stairs to the kitchen. Ava was singing and dancing and didn't hear me come in. I laughed and ran up behind her and began to dance too. She turned around and jumped.

"Ohh shit, Prince you scared me! " Ava yelled.

"Sorry baby, It was too easy. " I smirked.

" Gee thanks." she said with a lack luster tone of voice

"No problem. " I chuckled, kissing her forehead.

She was about to say something smart but the girls ran in.

"Papí!" they yelled.

"Hey little Ray Bird, What's Up Ney Ney? , and Crys how are you? " I greeted, hugging each one of my offspring.

Just then the doorbell rang, it's 11 O'clock in the morning.I wonder who that is?I walked over to the door.

" Who is it? " I asked.

"Robbers. Who you think?" a familiar South Central accented voice said.

I laughed. Ray Ray definitely still has his smart mouth. I opened the door.

" Whatever Ray..just come in. Hey Roc. What's up Prod? "

Then we heard the sound of tiny feet slapping the floor. Uh Oh they're coming. Soon the girls ran around the corner and jumped on their Uncle Roc first.

"Hey spiffy #2. My lil Ray Bird What's up? Hey Crys" Roc smiled.

" Hey Uncle Rocky! " They replied emphatically.

"Ney Ney, Ray Bird and Crys, y'all don't love me anymore? I haven't gotten my hug yet." Prod pouted.

They smiled and got a running start. They jumped on him and began kissing him on the cheek and hugging him hard.

"Uncle Prodijay!"

" You know when I imagined myself getting attacked by three beautiful girls for the first time it was a TOTALLY different situation. But I ain't complaining." He joked.

I shook my head and laughed.

"Uncle Way Way feels left out." Ray Ray said in a horrible excuse for a baby voice. I own the monopoly on the baby voice talent.

Just like they did Prod,They got a running start. I laughed.....My girls are crazy.

Ava walked in while they were still attacking Ray Ray.

" Girls get off Uncle Ray Ray!" YN laughed.

"Thanks Ava, I didn't think I would make it." He said while hugging her.

" Wow Ava you look like you bout to pop." Roc blatantly pointed out.

"Gee Roc you sure can make a girl feel special."Ava said sarcastically.

"Sorry but you do..ready for the baby?" Roc chuckled.

"I guess so.... you know after these lil girls not alot can surprise you."She answered.

"Especially with Ray Bird. " I smirked.

"Leave my niece alone." Ray Ray growled.

"Let's just say there's a reason she's named after you. " Ava admonished.

"Yeah cause she trendy like Uncle Ray Ray." He smiled.

"Yep Ray that's why." Ava replied sarcastically.

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