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[Your Pov ]

Everyone was in their individual rooms packing for the trip. I'm excited but I feel like something is going to happen. I shook the thought away and went in search of a bag that could fit all my Doc Martens in. Don't judge me. I told you already that I love those shoes. I saw a bag at the top of the closet. I jumped repeatedly trying to grab it.

I am 5'4 so this was not very easy. I clutched the bag and pulled it down, losing my balance and causing majority of the stuff on the shelf to fall on me. The door opened.

"Aye Babe do you think I should take my Misfits shirt or-" Prince started as he walked into the room.

He saw me on the floor covered in junk. He began hysterically laughing at me. I turned a bright shade of red.

" What happened Princesa?" He laughed.

" I tried to get my bag of the shelf up top." I frowned.

" Princesa you're 5'4. Why didn't you just call me to help?"

I shrugged and turned to pick up the stuff. He helped while still quietly laughing at me.

" Nigga it ain't that funny. "

" I wasn't laughing at that." He chuckled.

"Then what are you laughing at?" I frowned.

He held up my Purple Rain T-Shirt.

"What's so funny about that?"

"June 15th. " He smirked harder.

My eyes widened... that's the first time we kissed. I immediately started blushing.

" I remember it too. We were washing Mama Teresa's car and you sprayed me with the water hose. "

"Yeahh that was fun....especially when your shirt got wet." He smiled, biting his lip

"Get out nasty! " I yelled, snatching my shirt.I shook my head and laughed... what am I gonna do with this man?He turned around and left the room. I ran out in the hall.

"You didn't finish your question. "

He stuck his head out in the hallway.

" I just wanted to ask if I should bring my Misfits shirt or my Iron Maiden shirt."

"Hmmmm, I love the Misfits but the Iron Maiden shirt is cut up...One Question. "


" Which one comes off the fastest?" I winked.

"For real?" He said, eyes glistening.

"Nope. " I said popping the 'P'.

" That's not right Princesa. "

"Aww Baby, I'm sorry." I held out my arms to him.

He pouted and walked over to me and hugged me. He grabbed my booty and took off running .I chased after him with lightning speed.I jumped in his back and we tumbled to the floor. I pinned him down with his hands beside his head.

"Apologize. " I said, seriously.

"Never. " He laughed.

" I guess I'll just have to sit up here then. " I said, smirking.

"Fine with me Mamí. " He winked.

" You're nasty Perez. " I giggled.

"But you wouldn't have it any other way."

"Damn right. ".I said, pecking his uber soft lips.

The doorbell rang and I got up and skipped downstairs with Princeton close behind. I opened the door to see a strange woman standing there. I smiled politely.

" May I help you?"

" Are you (Y/N) Perez?"

"Yes Ma'am. "

"We need to talk. "

" Okay. Come In. " I smiled.

I stepped back and pushed Princeton off of me. Why is he so touchy-feely? He turned and walked away . I brought her over and sat on the couch beside her.

"First off my name is Tavonna, but you can call me Tay for short." She smiled.

" Okay Tay. "

"Were your parents YM and YD YLN? " Tay asked.

"Yes?" I said with furrowed brows.

She smiled real wide and hugged me. I was so lost.

"What's going on?"

"Ohhh My Goshh! I can't believe it's you. I've been looking for you for so long." Tay just babbled on. I still haven't the slightest clue What's going on. I cut her off.

"Tay! What's going on?!"

" You were adopted by the YLN's. " She said softly.

I was shocked. The parents that were with me my whole life were not my birth parents. What about my birth parents? Were they dead? Alive?

" I know you're shocked but there's more. (Y/N) you're my sister. We're twins."

********AN *********

Ohhh Snapp!!! lmaoo. What do you think will happen next?! Comment and Vote!!!muah!

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

I Want My Life Back( A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now