Coming Clean

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[Prince Pov]

Today we're gonna tell the kids I'm their Papí. I'm a nervous wreck right now. Sitting alone on the couch waiting for (Y/N) to get home, the time is dragging on. I tried to watch tv but I ended up just pacing. What if they get mad at me?

Their mom is already mad at me and I don't think I could handle them being mad at me too. I rubbed my hands through my fro nervously. I heard the doorknob turn and in walked my family. Before I could say hey, the kids were all over me. I laughed and asked them about their day.

" So girls, How was Kindergarten today?"

"It's was okay."Chrestany frowned,just like Roc.

" It's was so much fun, I learned how to color and I even stayed inside the lines! " Crysta gushed.

"Wow, you're a big girl now huh?"

She smiled at me proudly. I looked over at Rayven and she looked upset.

"Ray Bird what's wrong?"

" Nothing. " She said.

"Yes it is....Come talk to me. "

She walked over to me slowly and climbed on my lap. She crossed her arms.

"Javien keeps messing with me. I didn't do nothing to him and he always pushing me down and calling me names." She pouted.

Javien. That's Jacob Latimore's son. Somebody has a crush on my little Rayven. I smiled widely.

"You know why he keeps bothering you Rayven?"

Rayven shook her head no.

" He likes you. " I smiled.

"Eww! Gross!" The girls yelled.

" Keep that mindset about boys okay?" I laughed." I suppose you think girls are gross too Huh?" I said to Jacobi.

"No Girls are pretty. " Jacobi smiled.

"Oh really?You got a girlfriend?" I asked ,kidding.

" Mhmm!"

"What's her name? " I laughed.

"Mamí. " He smiled.

"No son. That's my girl, you can't have her. " I joked.

(Y/N) walked back into the room and sat on the couch. She looked as nervous as I was and she sighed deeply. She called the children over to her and they all suddenly got up went over to her. They all sat close to her , love shining in their eyes. I felt like an outsider with my own family. I missed out on so much.

" I have something to tell you guys." She frowned.

They looked up at her expectanly, and then came the questions.

"Are we getting a puppy?!" Rayven asked.

" No." She chuckled.

"Ooohh! Santa found my pony and he's bringing it to me?" Chrestany smiled hopefully.

"No Baby."

"Uncle Roc and Aunt Journee are having a baby?" Crysta asked.

" Crys ! Where did you get an idea like that from?"

" Uncle Roc. He said that when I get older , I'm gonna meet a boy that I think is cute and then one day we will go into a room and then-"

My eyes bugged out of my head.

" Umm okay no need to finish the story, I get it. Someone very special is here to see you. " She chuckled." Your Daddy."

The kids started smiling and jumping up and down. I couldn't help but smile at their excitement and feel relieved that they might actually accept me. (Y/N) calmed them down some.

"Where is he?" Ney Ney asked.

"He's here Ney,Just look around."

They all got down off the couch and ran down the halls and into bedrooms looking for me.


They were far enough away from me that I could reply with out them knowing where I was. They continued running around downstairs and I went to hide upstairs. They ran back to the couch and asked (Y/N) were I was. She must have pointed up the stairs beacuse soon I could hear their little feet making contact with the stairs.

" Daddy!!"

"I'm here!!"

"Where are you?"

" Come find me!"

They ran down the hall and into the room where I was. I was hiding under the bed, waiting on them to find me. They opened the closet door, the bathroom door and even some drawers looking for me. I slowly moved from under the bed and stood behind them.

"Looking for me?"

They smiled at me and hugged my legs. I picked them up one by one and gave them a huge hug and kiss. Tears poured down my cheek as I smiled down at my kids. I finally feel somewhat better. I have my kids back and next on the list is my woman.

" Who wants ice cream?"

"Me!" They yelled.

" okay, let's go!"

We ran downstairs and walked into the kitchen where (Y/N) is preparing dinner. She looked hurt, betrayed, sad and mad all at the same time. Like always I felt guilty for being the one person to cause the one I love so much pain. I'm gonna win her back, for good this time.

She looked at me, her eyes void of all emotion. I would rather see hate in their dark brown depths than the indifference I see in them now. My gut wrenched as I realized that I was losing her more and more by every second. Every second she was becoming more and more detached from me until eventually the gap would be too large to bridge. I have to make my move and fast.

"We're going to get ice cream, do you want to come?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea, besides I have a case that I have to work on later anyway." She said, shrugging.

" C'Mon, I don't bite.Unless you want me to Bonita." I whispered in her ear, kissing the lobe.

Her eyes darkened and I smiled in satisfaction. I got an emotion out of her, this one just happens to be called desire. She turned away from me and returned to her cooking. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the nape of her neck.

bI smiled broadly at her sharp intake of breath. She pretended to ignore me. I chuckled and walked away from her , into the living room where the kids were waiting on me.

"Let's Go."

"Mami is not going?"

"She's preoccupied right now buddy, just a little preoccupied." I smiled at him.

Hmm, I guess I still got it. She knows and I know that she can't resist me . That was just the warm up though.... She has no idea.....

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