Watch Yourself

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[Your POV ]

I tucked the girls in...they were so exhausted from the park that they didn't even notice that Prince wasn't home. I called Mama Teresa.

"Hey Mama." I said with a smile, she was like a second mom to me honestly. She and everyone else in Conjunction's camp was there for me when my parents died in a car crash.

"Hola Mija, Como estàs? How are you? " She spoke in the Spanish accent I loved, one that had been passed on to her son. It didn't always come out but boy, when it did....Mercy.

"Fine, just ready for this baby to come." I said on an exasperated sigh.

" I am too Mija, My little niña is going to be as beautiful as her lovely sisters." She said with a chuckle.

"How are you so sure it's a girl? "

"Because Mija, I could not bear to see another afro headed boy, my son was enough."

"I don't know Mama, I think it's a boy. "

"Whatever it is, Abuela will be here, ready to spoil them. " She said emphatically.

"Speaking of spoiled children, is it still okay that I bring the girls over there tomorrow? "

"Of course Mija! "

" Okay goodnight Mama, I love you. "

"I love you more Mija."

I hung up the phone and I heard keys jingling in the door. He walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey babe." He said, pecking my waiting lips.

"Hey baby.... I have a surprise for you tomorrow. " I smirked.

" Oohh, What is it? " He said excitedly.

" Now if I told,it wouldn't be surprise,now would it? "

" Pweaseee Baby? " He pouted.

"Nope. Nothing you can do right now can make me tell you." I smiled.

" Yeah we'll see ." He smirked.

"What do you me-"

I got cut off by him kissing my neck.

"Nice try buddy but no." I said with a laugh.

" Be glad you're pregnant or my surprise won't be the only thing you would be telling me." He whispered with a wink.

"Cocky aren't we?"

" Just wait till my son gets'll see." He nodded.

" Son?"

"Yeah son.There are too many females in this house. Too many periods and not enough commas. " He chuckled.

"What does that even mean?" I said whilst kissing my teeth.

" I need another male so when the time comes and all 4 of you have periods, I won't be the only one getting yelled at. " He joked as I smacked his arm.

"Oh wow, if you say so." I said, kissing my teeth yet again.

"Speaking of 'oh wow ' moments, where are the boys?" Prince smiled.

"Well, Prod went to get food, Ray had a date and Roc went home to get clothes really quick,but they should be back any minute." I replied.

" Okay then,we'll be down in the basement." He said, leaning back farther on the couch.

Prince turned the basement into a Recording Studio/Screening Room/ Dance studio.

"Okay I'm going to sleep because this baby's wearing me out. " I groaned.

"He's just picking up where Papí left off.Tiring that ass out." He laughed, obviously enjoying the annoyed look I gave him.

I just walked towards the stairs, giving him the finger.

"When nigga?" He said with a smirk.

"Never nigga. "

"Too late for that honey, I already tattooed my name all in that. " He said mocking me further.

"But you are the only dumbass in this room with my name actually tatted on you. I think it was a sweet gesture but still, That's permanent. "

"That's the point. I don't know where life might take us. I would love to say we would never break up and we'll be together forever but I can't say that. I can't predict the future. This tattoo on my chest is a reminder, though small, that my heart belongs to you. No matter where I end up, I'll always be yours." Princeton said after grabbing my hand.

"Okay Baby, I get it. " I smiled . He gave me a hug while still sitting down in front of me. I leaned down and kissed his forehead, running a hand through his curls.

He rubbed my protruding belly and smiled slightly, undoubtedly thinking about our unborn child.

"Goodnight again. " I said after about five minutes of silence.

When I was halfway up the stairs, he called my name again.

"YN." He said softly.

"Yeah?" I stopped walking to look at him.

"Don't kiss me on my forehead like I'm a female. " He said with a sly smile.

"Whatever Jacob. " I smirked, continuing my ascension up the stairs toward blissful slumber.

[Prince Pov]

As I watched her climb the stairs, the doorbell rang, telling me the guys were back.

They all offered some type of greeting and a handshake, each one particular to the two members completing the task.

"Ray how'd your date go?" I'd asked after we had settled down into the basement where YN had set out snacks and such for us. My wife's an angel.

"She was hella boring. I wont be seeing her again.She give damn good brain though. " He smirked.

" I told you stop going out with random girls you meet in the store. And keep fucking around, yo ass gonna have an STD." Prod replied, also with a smirk. He was serious about the message, the delivery was the joke.

"You still act like you are the oldest, knowing my sexy ass was first to hit the scene. " Ray chuckled.

"So Prince how's Mama Teresa?" Ray asked after we had stopped laughing.

Prod looked at me.I'm not gonna lie.

"I didn't go to her house."

"Then where did you go?" Roc asked, confused as per usual.

"This nigga was sitting up in BJ's talking to some woman." Prod seethed, not even giving me a chance to come clean.

"Nigga what?Do I need to whoop your-"Ray fumed before being cut off Roc

"What are you doing in BJ's talking to some chick?" Roc said with an eerily serious face.

"She's a fan.She just wanted to meet me." I shrugged.

"Princeton I promise on everything that's within me if you hurt Y/N I will kill you myself and crump on your grave. " Ray Ray replied.

"I'm gonna Nae Nae on that bitch. " Prod added, with a smile.

"Fuck allat, Ima yeet on that shit. " Roc said, hard-up laughing now.

"Look guys nothing happened and nothing's gonna happen. So all that isn't necessary. " I groaned.

"You damn right nothing's gonna happen. Cause if it does, That's your ass Puffball."

"You guys are too damned overprotective."

"Hell Yeah and proud of it too " Roc said with a toothy grin.


I know it's boring too....smh.....the boredom is real....the drama is definitely coming next chapter.

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