Filling in the Blanks

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[Your Pov ]

I've been out of the hospital for a few days now. The guys have been taking turns with me and trying to make me remember. They are so sweet and I'm trying really hard to remember. I'm with Ray right now at a go cart racing track....apparently I used to love that.

" You used to beat all of us. Even Roc.He doesn't like to admit it but you whoop his ass in a lot of things. " Ray chuckled.

"So I was a pretty awesome chick huh?"

" Yep. You are like our little sister. You were chill and down to Earth. " Ray smiled at me, making me feel good.

"Let's go defend my title. " I smiled.

" Ohhh don't be so sure Killah. I've gotten better since we were younger. " He laughed, bumping my shoulder with his.

" Mhmm we shall see. "

I put my helmet on and climbed in the cart.I gripped the steering wheel for dear life waiting for the signal to go . The bell sounded and Ray Ray zoomed past me. I was gaining on him but he was quickly leaving me behind.

He held up the peace sign as he went even faster , leaving me in the dust. He crossed the finish line first and got out and did a victory dance.

"I want a rematch playa, I wasn't ready. " I pouted.

"Okay if you think you can beat me, the King. "

" Prepare to get dethroned. " I laughed, sitting down in the car.

I was more focused this time. The bell sounded and I pounded my foot into the gas pedal. Ray Ray and I were tied. I pushed down harder and our carts were playing tug-of-war for the lead. I inched forward as we crossed the finish line. I won!

" Bow down to the Queen,lowly peasant." I said cockily.

"You got jokes. I gotta give you your props though you still got mad skills. "

"Thank you, Thank you. " I bowed.

We laughed and left the the track. We went back to the hotel. I met a nice lady the other day named Keisha. I think I made her cry because I didn't remember her. She told me today that we are going back to LA in the morning. I went to my room and packed what I guess are my clothes.

I looked down at the wedding ring on my hand. I can't believe I don't remember my own husband. I sighed. Three women bursted into my room. They all gave me a group hug. I guess they saw the confusion on my face.

"You really don't remember us. " A very pretty one with long hair smiled.I shook my head no and smiled weakly.

"I'm Journee and that's Camille.We went to high school with you. " The lady with brown curly hair said, pointing to a light skinned lady with ombre hair.

"I'm Charisma. I'm your children's pediatrician and your new friend." The first lady spoke again.

I HAVE KIDS?! How many? Girls or Boys? How old are they? Why didn't the guys telk me? So many questions raged through my head. Only one escaped my mouth.

" I have kids?"

Char looked surprised. She nodded her head yes.

" Yeah. Three girls and a boy. The triplets are five and the boy is 3."

I smiled. I wonder when I would get to see them. It made me sad to think that I have an entire family that I forgot about.

"Where are they?"

" Back in LA with your mother -in- law Mama Teresa. They are going stay with her until you start getting your memory back. " The lady named Journee smiled, sympathetically.

" Ohhh Okay." I said sadly.

"It will be okay Babygirl. "

" I sure hope so. "

[Mystery Pov]

I've been following (Y/N) around all day. I have to admit, she's gorgeous. I love her and hate her at the same time. I will get my revenge soon. She thinks she's suffering now? Pshhh just wait ....

**********AN ***********

Who is that?! Why do they hate (Y/N) so much? Comment and tell me what you think.

Royal Horns : Da dada daaaaaa!!

Cast Call!!!!

I need three ladies!

Comment your name and A description of yourself and I just might choose you! Get to typing sweeties! muahh.

Shout out to RayrayLove143 for the hilarious comment. Go check out her story...I'm feeling it!:)

Sorry y'all for some reason I'm turnt up lol.

Love, Peace and Princeton's Afro Grease lol


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