The New Baby

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This is description of The new baby:

Jacobi Ashton Perez <3


He looks exactly like Prince. He has the same hair and everything but he has dimples and super dark eyes. He has the craziest laugh. He is definitely a Mama's baby but he loves to be held by his Uncles. He loves the sounds of his older sisters' voices. The girls are very protective their little brother. They nicknamed him Fluffy because of his hair but the adults call him Lil Prince... He is already soooo spoiled. (Y/N) adores him and he reminds her so much of Prince... She feels better and she is

slowly getting over Prince. Jacobi has helped keep her mind off of it...And Ohh yeah, nobody told Prince about Jacobi yet. Nobody was in the mood to see him and no one even thought about telling him....And Charisma is now the triplets' and Jacobi's pediatrician.(told you she'd be important ) .She and (Y/N) are becoming very close. Of course Charisma told her about the incident and (Y/N) was fine with it.. its not like They're married anymore.( about a month or two after Jacobi was born (Y/N) signed the divorce papers....smh:(...) Life for (Y/N) is great right now but for Prince... not so much....seems like Mel put her plan into action. ( haha that's what he gets)..... Now the story is about to skip forward three years....Yeah I know it's a big skip but I'm about to bring this story to a close... So next chapter will be three years later and the triplets are 5 and Jacobi is 3....

Peace and Love:)

Hippie and Misfit <3

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