Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!:)

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[Your Pov ]

Later that night, I called Charisma.We've become really close.she's like a sister to me now.

"So Diggy really asked you out?!" She asked, for the 4 millionth time.

" Yeahh!! For the last time!" I groaned..

" We gotta get your hair done and your nails,go shopping and find a bomb ass dress. Girl this is gonna be everything! " She gushed.

I honestly zoned out after that.I was ,for the first time since before that summer tour, lost in thought about Daniel Simmons. The dude really was my bestfriend, but I also felt something else...a new feeling blossoming next to the old one...but this one was way different.... Daniel Dwayne Simmons III actually had the ability to make me have butterflies in my stomach. I tuned back in to Char calling my name.

"(Y/N) whoo hoo? Earth to (Y/N)." She said in a sing-song tone.

"Sorry I was just thinking bout something." I chucked nervously.

"You have visions of Daniel Simmons dancing in your head. " She observed..

" Maybe, but anyway ,Listen, I think you should come over here.I'm gonna call OMG and some other friends over and we can have I gigantic sleep over like when we were teenagers!"

" Girl that's a dope idea! I'll be over in five minutes!" She said ending the call.

I hung up with Char and called OMG first. They all were on their way.I called two of my friends from high school - Camille and Journee. Cam and Nee Nee were coming too! I prepared the basement so we could stay down there. I took out a whole bunch of junk food,movies and CDs. I took out a whole bunch of Rainbow/Tye Dye covers and pillows from my old room....It pays to be a Hippie sometimes.I looked around, admiring my work...tonight's gonna be soooo fun..... I ran upstairs wearing my long hair in two pigtails on either side of my head and some tye dye shorts with a green belly shirt that says "Hippie Lyfe " on it. Prod's eyes literally almost fell out the sockets.

" Why are y-you dressed like t-that?! " Prod stuttered, spilling water on his shirt. I laughed at his stammering.

" Me, OMG, Journee,Camille and Char are having a sleep over." I laughed.

His eyes immediately widened at Char's name... mhmm somebody has a crush.

"Char's coming?"

"Out of all those names all you heard was Char?" I smirked.

" Aye I was just asking. " He said, holding his hands up in defense.

"Aww Pwodigy hwas a wittle cwush! " I said with a baby voice.

" No I don't." He blushed.

"Yeah you do but that's fine.She's a great person..You never know, that could be wifey."

Prod nodded in approval. Just then, Ray Ray and Roc came in from playing basketball. Their reaction to my outfit was the same as Prod's...

"Damn." Roc said, eyes glued to me.

"Calm down Santo." I giggled..

"You look, ravishing.....literally. " He said, biting his lip.

I died laughing at Ray. It didn't take much to get his engine started if you know what I mean.

" I'm having a sleep over tonight so stay out of the basement."

" Is Camille coming ?" Ray blushed.

"Yes thirst bucket. You went from me to Cam in 2.5 seconds. Loving the crew these days. " I laughed.

Ray gave a mega-watt smile.The thirst for my friends today!

" What about Journee?" Roc smiled.

"Oh my gosh, is this 20 questions? Yes Chres, she's coming. " I groaned.

He gave the same billion dollar smile...

" What is up with the three of y'all liking my friends?"

" Ain't our fault you and all yo dang friends are fine as hell." Ray said, shrugging.

"Yeah, get ugly friends and you won't have to hear that." Prod smirked.

"Word, nobody wanna smash an ugly girl." Roc said, while giving Prod dap.

" TMI!"

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it, ignoring the 'Damn that ass. 'comments coming from the kitchen. The girls were standing there smiling creepily.

Laughing, I stepped aside so they could enter. They walked through the living room and down into the basement....

"So what should we do first?"

"Never have I ever?" Bre suggested.

We agree, forming a circle on the floor.

"Okay I'll start.Never have I ever.Did something strange for some change." Cam said, obviously joking.Nobody's finger went down...Hallelujah.

"Never have I ever, seen Roc cry." Nique said.I put my finger down and they raised an eyebrow.

"Santo is a fucking crybaby. Y'all sleep." I laughed.

They all laughed. I'm deadass, he cries when the wind blows.

" Never have I ever,had sex it in a public place." Bahja said, with a smirk.

Nique, Cam, Journee and I put a finger down.

" (Y/N)?!" Bahja gasped.

" I was married to Princeton." I laughed.

"Point taken. " Nique laughed.

" Ummmm Never have I ever liked my best guy friend." Journee smirked at me.

I put my finger down and they all laughed hysterically.

" Hahahaha very funny. " I sneered sarcastically.

We played the Wii for a little while and then we decided to dance....Babydoll ran over to the stereo and turned it on and Bang Bang Bang blared through the surround sound speakers.

"Ayee this is my jammm!I pulled up on the spot,I see a beauty cutie and she swinging like she got a job at Hooters." I sang loudly, dancing horribly.

My friends joined in at our favorite part.

"I can see she playing a part but I can tell she ain't had what you putting on for you know he ain't that got all that hotness baby, I know what you thinking, it just ain't enough ....can I tell you what I been thinking bout from day one? Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang that's what I been thinking everytime that I see ya." We sang out hearts out and danced through the night,later we all collapsed on the floor,watched a movie and fell asleep.

We had a great time....I love spending quality time with my girls like this...This is how life is supposed to be, Having fun with friends and living it up, honestly girls just wanna have fun.

*******AN *******

That really is my favorite part in Bang Bang Bang. I love the way Prod sings it..... whoo lawd make me catch a case... anyway That sleepover was Dope! I wish I was there shoot!...Anyways...Comment and Vote...Check out Chrystalshady for me! Bye my hippy! Love you!

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

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