Lessons Learned

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~Three years later ~ Sunday Morning [Prince Pov ]

My life has been horrible. I'm not exaggerating AT ALL. Mel was perfect and then she became paranoid and clingy.

She wants a password to every single profile and electronic device I have. She won't let me out of her sight with out knowing where I'm going, with who,why and how long I'll be gone.

One time she calculated how many miles it takes for me to drive to my Mom's house and back and I went over by 1.2 miles and she flipped out,saying I was cheating on her and everything.

She got mad one time cause I was on the phone with my female COUSIN. I can't deal with this! I don't know how much I can take. We were sitting in the living room watching TV.I need to talk to someone. He probably still hates me but if I don't let this out I will EXPLODE. I got up and walked toward the back.

" Babe where are you going?!" Mel asked, voice raised.

"Umm I'm going to the bathroom. I had some bad food today." I frowned.

" You sure?" She said, rising from her seat.

This woman is C-R-A-Z-Y!Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs. Heaven help me.

"Yeahh I'm sure."

I walked out of the room and dialed his number.Please pick up.The phone rang about ten times and he picked up. Ohh thank gosh.

"Look I know you hate me but you are one of my bestfriends.Please talk to me."

"Alright only cause you sound pathetic." He laughed.

"Thanks Roc."

" We missed you dude, so what's up?"

" This woman is crazy! " I whispered.

"Nahh nigga you the one that's crazy for leaving your family but I'm not gonna judge you right now...What's the problem with What's her face?" He said seriously.

"Her name's Melody and she will not me out of her sight." I whispered back.

Roc laughed hysterically. Glad to see my misery is amusing to him.

"It's not funny." I groaned..

"I'm not laughing at you nigga, that shit is fucked up. " He replied before holding the phone away, just a little. " Ney Ne please come get Jacobi.He keeps tryna take my chain off and he's tickling my neck."

" Okay I'm coming. " She replied faintly in the background.

My Baby! She sounds so grown up.... that tears it. I'm going to fight for my family back but first I gotta get away from Mel.

"Look Roc, I'll talk to you later. "

"Okay bye."

I hung up the phone and walked out....here I go again.

[Mel 's POV]

Y'all probably think I'm crazy...Well I'm not. It's all a part of the plan... now it's time for the finale.... He walked in the room.

"Feel better?"

" Yeahh uhh Mel I think-"

I cut him off... it's my time to talk.

"You think I'm crazy huh?" I laughed.

"Look Melody- " He began, you think he would realize by now that I'm gonna keep cutting him off.

" I'm talking right now so be quiet. I'm not crazy matter of fact I'm a genius you wanna know why? This whole time I been acting like the worst possible girlfriend ever to make you see the error of your ways." I smirked.

" What?" He frowned..

" Yep ever since that night you left (Y/N) I've been planning for this moment." I shrugged.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

" Cause Prince, if I did you would've just found another woman who would let you abandon your family after one little kiss. "

"You're right. I should be ashamed of myself."

"No argument there.So my question to you is why Prince?"

"Well I felt like I was abandoning them anyway. I might as Well have just left...so I did." He sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair.

"So because of some insecurities you ruined a perfectly good marriage and family. You missed THREE years of your children's life! Doesn't that bother you?"

"Yes it bothers me. I'm a coward, a sorry excuse for a father, hell a sorry excuse for a man. That stops today though." He said, grabbing his keys.

" So my question to you is are you gonna be a man and step up or are you gonna keep being a punk and lose your family forever?"

"I'm gonna be a man! " He said, standing up.

"Okay now get your stuff and go get your family. I gotta a date tonight so hurry up." I chuckled.

" Dang just do a nigga like THAT! " He laughed from the other room.

" Boy I was tryna get you back to your fam but now it's time for Melody to get her a man and a life for herself." I said as he walked back in the room, all his belongings in tow.

" Well alright.... good luck." He said, kissing my cheek..

"You too." I replied, pushing him towards the door."Now get your stuff and next time I see you you better be standing at the altar getting remarried. And I better get invited cause if I don't imma have to cut you." I joked.

"Thanks Mel ...You're the best." He said, hugging me.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah what would you do without me?" I laughed, closing the door.

I sat down on the couch....Mission Accomplished.


Lol y'all don't know nothing bout Mel! On to the next one! I'm glad she did it... but Prince isn't about to have an easy road ahead. Wish him luck...Comment and Vote!

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

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