Choices That Are Made

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I walked up the stairs still thinking about my situation. I laid down in the bed knowing what I had to do.....

I choose....

[Prince Pov]

The sunlight flitted through the windows in the room hitting my face. I woke up and looked around realizing where I was. I checked my phone seeing 56 missed calls and over 70 text messages.I nervously bit my lip knowing what I had to do.

I walked down stairs seeing Uncle Nacho sitting down watching TV.

"Hey Unc." I smiled.

" Seeing your jovial mood I think you've made your decision." He laughed.

I threw an apple up in the air.

"Yep. " I caught it and took a bite. "Wish me luck."

"Good Luck Afro Puff.Just go get your woman. I hope you're making the right decision."

"I am."

I walked out the house and let down the top on my car.... I turned the radio up, put on my John Lennon shades and fluffed my Afro. I drove toward L.A.

I'm coming Melody....

~ 6 hours later~

I pulled up to my house and took a deep breath... here goes nothing.I opened the door and walked into the living room were everyone was.

"Ohh thank God!" YN said, rushing up to me. She kissed me, and I couldn't lie and even say that I didn't get butterflies in my stomach. Even I don't fully understand why I'm doing what I'm about to.

I separated myself from her.

"Sit down please." I said with a somber tone.

I looked around at everyone. Their faces showed a mixture of relief and confusion. I took a deep breath...

" ( Y/N) you know I love you and the girls right?"

" Yes?" She said frowning. "Baby what's wrong?Please tell me. We can fix it, whatever it is. You and me against the world, remember?" She said looking up at me, tears clouding her beautiful eyes. This definitely made it harder.

" I'm sorry but-"

" B-but what?" She said, the first tear falling.

I didn't know how to say it. I remained silent.

" BUT WHAT JACOB?" She yelled, causing everyone in the room to flinch.

"I think we need to get a divorce."

" Are you serious? Nah, you playing with way you're serious right now?After you fed me all that bullshit the other night. Nigga you got life fucked up. "She fumed.

Another tear rolled down her cheek.I hate that I had to hurt her this way.

"I wish I was Bonita."

"Don't call me that.Only MY HUSBAND calls me that and according to you I don't have one anymore.That's fine Prince. I hope she's worth it." She said, crying even harder.

"How'd you know there was someone else?" I asked knowing full well the woman before me can read me like a book.

"It's all over your face,just leave Prince I'll have the boys bring you your shit...I wish you and whoever she is all the happiness in the world.I love you and I always will...I'm sorry I couldn't be everything you needed. But trust baby, I will be okay. I don't need you, those girls don't need you and we'll be fine without you. "

I nodded and looked at the boys. If looks could kill...I'd be six feet under.....Prod came up to me...

"You know what just go,don't come back.They don't need you. I hope you're happy."

'You got about 15 seconds to leave before I beat the fuck out of you."

Ray just shook his head.I turned on my heels and left my soon to be ex wife and my ex friends in the house I no longer lived in.

I got in my car and drove to Mel 's house.

I opened the door and walked in...

Why isn't her door locked? Ohh Yeah, I was the last one to go out and she is hurt.

I went to her room and walked over to her . She looked up at me and opened her mouth to say something and I took that opportunity to kiss her.... It felt right and wrong all at the same time. She pulled away from me.

"Why did you kiss me again?" She said, frowning.

"Cause baby, I choose you."

I just hope I made the right decision.

*********AN ********

THIS NIGGA!!!-_- Wow I can't even....just Wow really? Ohh Prince....

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