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[Your Pov ]

A few days after we got home from Colorado, I got out of bed and got dressed. The guys and Uncle Jonah will not let me or Tay out of their sight. I can't stay cooped up in this house any longer, I'm bored. I walked down the stairs quietly and slowly opened the door. I shut the door silently and sprinted across the dew covered grass.

The sun hasn't even come up yet. Although it was only 6 in the morning, the California air was already hot. I got in my car and drove away. Not knowing exactly where I'm going, I drove around town, singing along to the music on my radio. I went to the beach and sat down, watching the sun rise. Thinking. A shadow appeared in the sand next to me. I looked up and my eyes squinted against the sun. I saw a woman standing next to me.


"Hi. "

"What's your name?" I asked.

" Hilary."

"Hi Hilary."

Hilary and I talked for awhile.She's really cool. We went to the spa and everything. I feel like I've met her before. It's funny how you can meet someone and have a connection instantly. We were sitting in the nail shop when my phone rang. It was Princeton.

" Hello?"

" Baby are you okay?" Princeton said nervously.

"Yeahh I'm fine! I'm at the nail shop. " I replied, annoyed with him.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were leaving?" He worried more.

"Because I didn't want this to happen. "

"What are you talking about?"

" You are treating me like a baby! I'm only a year and 4 months younger than you! "

" Well maybe if you stopped acting like a child,I would stop treating you like one. "

"I have a father and last time I checked his name wasn't Jacob Anthony Perez. So back off and chill dude. "

"You want me to chill? You almost died twice and someone still wants you dead so no (Y/N) I won't chill."

" Again I say, your children are named Crysta Perez , Chrestany Perez , Rayven Perez and Jacobi Perez . Not (Y/N) Perez. "

" Exactly. Your last name is Perez correct? Yeah. Now last time I checked our wedding vows said to honor and obey. Get to obeying woman. "

"Mhmm okay well this sign says no cellphone use. I'm obeying the sign. By nigga."

" (Y/N) wait-"

I hung up my phone and turned it off. I can't believe he's treating me like this...I sighed in annoyance and closed my eyes.

" Husband troubles? "

I nodded and told her everything that was going on. She listened intently. When I was done, She was just as angry as I was.

"How dare He? He does not own you! You make him realize that you can leave and you don't need him. "

"But I do need him. " I pouted. I do. He's the reason my heart beats.

"Girl no you don't!! You are the fabulous (Y/N) Perez and it's time He realizes it! C'Mon. "

We paid for our nails and Hilary yanked me out of the nail shop.

"Hil, where are we going?"

"To break some hearts, but first, we're going to the mall."

I shook my head and laughed. This chick is crazy.

I Want My Life Back( A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now