Got My Homies Back ......

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[Prince Pov ]

I walked out of my new apartment with a mission. I jumped in my BMW, not even bothering to open the door,shit I'm feeling that good. I turned on some music and put on my shades. I'm going back to get my family. I pulled up to my old house and hopped out. I damn near skipped to the door, then rang the doorbell. Prod opened the door and looked mad as hell.

"What are YOU doing here?" He growled, teeth clenched.

" I'm back nigga." I smirked.

"This nigga right here.Wow.You're Back? You leave for 3 fuckin' years, without a call ,text shit an email. " He said. "But that's okay because 'you're back'. Get a clue my nigga. You sir are a stellar example of manhood. And the father of the year award goes to." He clapped sarcastically

"Look I know you're mad but I'm trying to make this right Prod. I miss my family and my friends. You guys were the brothers I never had. Please forgive me Prod. I need you guys." I begged like a bitch. I'm not even gonna lie,my heart was racing.If my niggas don't forgive me then I'm gonna have to weather this storm by myself.

Prod sighed and finally after he killed me with suspense, he spoke.

"Welcome back Mexico. Just cause I forgive you doesn't mean (Y/N) will though."He smiled, doing our handshake.

"I know Prod... I know." I huffed a breath of relief.

" C'Mon in. It's just Me,You, Roc and Ray here right now. The kids are staying at your Mom's and (Y/N) is at work for another hour or so." He said,stepping back to let me enter.

"Okay." I smiled, I was slightly disappointed that YN wasn't here.

I walked into the living room where Ray and Roc were watching American Dad. They laughed at the show and then Roc looked over and saw me.

"Prince! What's up dude?" He said, giving me dap. Ray burned a hole in the side of his head with a glare.

" Nothing much Bruh."

" What?! How can y'all be cool with this dude? Are you kidding me right now?" Ray asked , angered and confused.

"You need to chill for one. and for two, He's sorry and If you think about it, we were mad at him for walking out. Now he's tryna come back and make it work,he needs our help. " Prod laughed.

" I guess I forgive you Afro Puff." Ray said, ruffling my afro.

"It wasn't cute when we were kids and it's not cute now." I side-eyed him.

" I'm always cute.You know how I do." Ray said, popping his collar.

"Or don't do." Roc said under a cough that was obviously fake.

" Shut up!" Ray yelled playfully.

"No seriously dude how long has it been tho?...4 ,5 months?" Prod said while we laughed hysterically.

"Nahhh dude that's you... I got some last week." Ray glared and kissed his teeth.

Roc gave him the 'Nigga why you lying look'.

" With who? " He said with his mouth scrunched up.

"With uhhh umm uh." Ray stuttered.

" Cine!" Prod laughed.

" Who ngga?"

"Cine...Max!" He said with a straight ass face.

Everybody but Ray died laughing.We ended up talking and laughing for another 15 or 20 minutes. We decided it would be better if I waited a couple of days before seeing (Y/N). I must admit,today was WAY better than I expected.I got my homies back.Life is good.

********AN *******

Lmaoo Ray how you gonna let them get out on you like that?! Lol good one tho Prod.. hehe Cinemax. That was funny. Anywayyysss sorry I haven't updated in a while..I had a family reunion type thing this weekend. I had sooo much fun! But yeahh Comment and Vote!! Thanks guys for taking time to read my story! I love you all!

Peace and Love,

Hippie and Misfit;)

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