Best Friends?....For Now...

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[Diggy Pov ]

I walked down stairs after showering. I couldn't get (Y/N) off my mind,damn she grew.Seriously that lil girl I left after tour is long gone,and now I find myself very attracted to her.What if she doesn't like me too?

Really Diggy? You sound like a middle school kid. Just be real and ask her out. I've asked out a bunch of girls before...but they weren't my bestfriend. I guess this is more pressure because if it doesn't work out I don't want to lose our friendship.

We can work that out later but right now I'm about to go over to her house. I walked out of the house and turned to walk down the sidewalk, my stomach in knots.Get it together Diggs.

[Your Pov ]

I woke up and did my daily hygiene thing threw on some Nike shorts and a tank top and went down to get breakfast. Of course, Prod was already sitting in the kitchen stuffing his face.

"Hey Hungry." I joked, playing with his blonde patch.

"Hwey (Y/N) gwood mowing." He said with food in his mouth. Fat ass.

"Close your mouth,it ain't cute. How am I gonna marry you off when you talk with your mouth full?"

" How am I gonna marry you off when you dress like that?" He countered, with a frown.

" What's wrong with my clothes?"I said, looking down at my Nike ensemble.

"For starters where are they?" He smirked. This nigga swear he's my father.

" Really?" I glared.

"Yeah but anyway...what are we doing today?"

" I don't know what WE'RE doing but ME and DIGGS are gonna hang." I clarified.

" You and Diggy?Are you guys-" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"No! Just friends."I blushed profusely.

" Mhmm." Prod smiled.

Roc walked in and said good morning to Prod.

" Good Morning Mrs.Simmons." He said, sliding across the counter like a child.

"Dude ,Really? Quit. " I said, covering my face with both hands.

" Salty....or Nahh?" Roc laughed.

The doorbell rang and I glared before I went to go answer it. None other than the star of my dream last night stood there, looking sexy as sin. I saw him look me up and down and seriously regretted wearing these shorts.

"Ahem umm Diggs my face is up here." I said, snapping in his face. He ran his tongue over his pink lips before smiling.

"Uhh Hey Superstar.You wanna go hang somewhere?" He said slyly.

" Sure, Let me go change clothes. You can come in. Roc and Prod are in the kitchen." I answered , walking towards the stairs.

Diggy nodded and followed me in the house.I walked upstairs to change clothes. Nothing fancy, it's just hanging with my bestfriend.

[Diggy Pov ]

I walked into the kitchen and Prod and Roc gave me a weird look. I wonder what that's about.

"So you're taking (Y/N) out?" He said with his arms crossed.

" Y-Yeahh but we're just friends."I can't believe I said that because I wanna be so much more.

" Better be." Roc frowned.

" We would hate for something to happen to you Diggs. " Prod said in a sweet voice, his glare not matching his words.

When did these dudes get so over protective? Goshh. Thank heavens that (Y/N) came back.

"You ready?" She said, tying up her Doc's.


We got in the car and I drove her to one of our favorite places to chill: Anderson Arcade.

"Awww Diggs! I remember this place."

" Yeah let's go." I smiled.

We played for about two hours and we sat down to eat nachos. I had to ask her.


"Yeahh." She said, shoving nachos in her mouth. She's such a tomboy.

" Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." She said, giving me a duh face.

" No seriously." I chuckled, playfully pushing her shoulder.

"Okay. "

"Would you like to go out sometime?" I choked out while looking in her eyes.... those damn eyes.

"We are out." But I'm the slow one?Kay.

"But as friends.I want to go out as,you know, more than that. "

She thought and furrowed her brow.My heart was racing.I felt like I was running at 50 MPH and I was about to pass out.My stomach dropped and my hands were nearly drenched in sweat

" Sure Diggs." She beamed, releasing my tension.

I couldn't stop smiling.I think I love my bestfriend.


Hey guys....I'm sooo proud if Diggy!! Aww he was nervous;) how cute! Anyway Comment and Vote...


#Team Diggyand(Y/N)

Tell me what you think! Go brighten my girl Chrystalshady's day and read her stories.... be sure to Vote and comment on her stories! Love you guys....

Peace and Love;)

Hippie and Misfit

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