On the Road Again.....

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*******AN *******************************

A few things to remember: Prince and the guys don't know how (Y/N) and Diggy's date went . They just know she went....The kids have no idea what their dad looks like and they don't really remember his name unless their uncles remind them...Cam and Ray, Journee and Roc and, Char and Prod are couples.


[Prince's Pov ]

It was 7:45 in the morning. I was sitting in the airport lobby uploading some pictures to the Gram.

"Aye Prince look who's coming." Keisha said, nudging my stomach.

I looked up to see the love my life walking toward us. My heart started beating a mile a minute. She came to a stop right in front of me.

"Hey Keish." She said giving her a big hug."Hey Prince." She waved.

I waved back, a little disappointed.


I turned around and saw my triplets and a cute little boy running towards us.

" Hey babies,but I just saw you less than five minutes ago. " She said, hugging each of them.

"Sí Mamí but we missed you." Chrestany smiled.

"Awwww Mamí missed you too." She pouted back.

I smiled down at them. I missed my kids. I wanted to tell them who I was but (Y/N) wants to wait.

" What's your name?" Rayven said, looking up at me.

"Umm my name is Princeton but you can call me Prince. " I smiled.

"Okay Prince." Crysta smiled.

" Crysta Marie Perez.Is that how you address adults?" YN said ,with a scowl on her face.

" Sorry Mamí ... I mean Okay MR. Prince. " She replied.

I laughed at how she put emphasis on Mr. The guys came walking down the airport lobby and the kids ran to meet them.

They laughed and picked them up and brought them back. (Prod had Crys, Ray had Ray Bird and Roc had Ney Ney and The little boy.)

"Hey everybody you ready to go?" Prodigy smiled.

We nodded, gathering out things.

" Hold on wait for me!"

I turned around,rolled my eyes , and who did I see running towards us?Take your wildest guess.

"DIGGS!" YN yelled. Exactly.

She ran and jumped into his arms. I felt a pure mixture of jealousy and disgust. I swear I almost threw up in my mouth.

"Flight 46 to Atlanta now boarding, Flight 46 to Atlanta now boarding. " The intercom announced, pulling me out of my plots of premeditated murder.

I looked up to heaven and murmured a thanks for that. He let go of her and she took the little boy from Roc and ruffled his hair.

I looked more closely at this little kid and I realized that this is my son,my son. I wanted to cry. I didn't even realize that this was my kid. He looks just like me. I walked over to (Y/N) .

"Can I see him for a second?"

She silently nodded and handed him to me

"Hey ." He smiled.

"Hey, what's your name?" I smiled.

"Jacobi Ashton Perez.I like your hair." He said playing with it.

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