Guess who's here?!

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[Ray Ray Pov ]

Ever since that night we all slept in the triplets' room, that's where we've slept every night. To be honest I kinda like it... all of us together, like a family.... it's just missing Prince... I wish he had not left but in a way I'm glad because Roc,Prod and I have been able to protect (Y/N) and let her know exactly how much we love her. So it's about 4 a.m. and (Y/N) called my name.

" Ray?" She said sleepily.

" Hmm?" I said, eyes still closed.

" We have a problem."

" What's wrong?" I yawned.

" I think this baby's coming."

It's funny that in the morning you drag but you can suddenly wake up when something happens.

" Prod!PRODIGY GET UP !" I yelled, slapping him repeatedly, not hard but enough to wake him.

Prod sat straight up in bed, still half sleep.

"What Rayan? " He frowned.

" Coming Baby think I!" I stuttered.

"What?" He asked, annoyed and sleepy at the same time.

" I mean I think the baby's coming! "

If this wasn't a serious situation I would've laughed at how fast Prod jumped out of the bed.

"Roc get up!"

Roc looked up at Prod confused.

" Man what you wake me up for? Beyonce' was finna give me her number." He said, yawning..

"Unless you want to deliver a baby right now you better tell Bey you'll get back to her." Prod said, pulling the covers off of him.

"The baby's coming?!" Roc said , throwing his shirt back on. That nigga use any excuse in the world to parade around shirtless.

" Yes now somebody get me to the hospital before I kill all three of you! " YN yelled, labor pains in full swing.

We wanted to laugh so hard...we haven't seen (Y/N) this mad since a fan pulled Prince's hair in front of her. We grabbed her hand and pulled her down stairs then we remembered.... Rayven, Chrestany and Crysta.

"Wait Wait Wait....the girls!" I yelled, right before we opened the front door.

"Oh shit! I'll take them to Mama Teresa's and then meet you guys at the hospital. " Roc said, jogging to get his keys.

Prodigy and I took (Y/N) to the car. She was in alot of pain I could tell. Silent tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was biting her lip trying to keep from screaming out loud.

Luckily the hospital was only ten minutes away. Prod drove at like 95 mph so we got there in like 8 minutes. We guided her into to the hospital. We did paperwork while they took her into a room.They said she wasn't dilated enough yet,so we had to wait a little while. They gave her an epidural so her pain had subsided.

She just sat there quietly.... I know what she was thinking.... Prince wouldn't be here for their baby's birth. Again, I felt like killing that dude. He hurt her to the core. Ugh he sickens my stomach.

Roc walked in the room and sat beside me while Prod paced. The doctor walked in,examined (Y/N) and simply said "It's Time "... We all gathered around (Y/N) and grabbed her hands. She began to push and that's all I remember before everything went black.

I came to and looked around.They apparently had moved me to a waiting area. Roc was laughing at me.

"Who fainted this time nigga?" He laughed.

"Whatever... just remember you fainted twice...I fainted once. " I smirked.

" Come look out our new-"

The doctor walked in and told us that mother and child were doing fine. We thanked him and he left.

" Aight Ray come look at our little-" Roc said before my phone rang. It was my mom.

"Hey Ma."

" Hey Baby how is (Y/N) ?"

" She's fine. "

" Okay call me later and let me know how everyone is."

"Okay Mom. "

I hung up the phone and walked down the hall. I opened the door and what I saw put the biggest smile on my face. That Blexican nigga is horrible at relationships but he can make the cutest babies. I walked over to the bed where everyone was gathered. I looked down at the little addition to our family. My nephew.

*******AN **********

Awwwwwww!!!! The baby's here!!!! It's a boy!!! This chapter made me sooo happy to write. Lol (Y/N) was bout to slap the taste outta the boys' mouth... but Comment and try to guess the baby's name and nickname! Vote! Sorry I keep updating late at night.... I got soooo much going on. All this stuff I have to prepare for it's just crazy but after this week it'll most likely get better... anyway Good Night!!


Hippie and Misfit.

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