Shopping With Char....

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[Your Pov ]

We dropped the kids off at Aunt Clara's and said we'll be back tomorrow. We pulled up to the mall and I immediately got happy. I love to shop. Especially on tour!

Then we're going over seas in a couple days..I can't wait. Char stood beside me while I tightened the laces on my Docs. I got up and nodded. We both power walked into the mall like two toddlers headed to Toys-R-Us. We weaved in and out of stores, soon overwhelmed by bags. We stopped in Victoria's Secret. I raised an eyebrow at Char.

"Why you need pretty panties? Girl you're celibate. You want Prod to last until marriage not until dinner comes. I know my big brother and you lucky he keeping his hands off of you. It's probably killing him. " I laughed, looking at sweatpants.

Char laughed and picked up some more underclothes.

" All the fun is in the tease. " She winked.

" I thought that too.You will pay for all the teasing.I learned that the hard way. Roc, Prod, Ray and Prince don't forget and they will pay you back tenfold. How do you think I ended up with triplets? "

"Really?"She said, her mouth forming an 'O'.

" Yep...I can't say I didn't enjoy it though. " I laughed.

"Let me go find some more.....There's some red ones over there, Prod's favorite color! "

I laughed at Char and shook my head. I don't think she knows what she's getting herself into honestly.

We left Victoria's Secret and I found a store that was full of Doc Martens. Please don't judge me.

I know I have a million pairs of those shoes but I love them so much. I bought like four pairs from that store. We we're exhausted when we left that store and we began to walk towards the exit.

" (Y/N)?! "

I turned around and saw my old college friend Damian. I cheesed super hard and ran towards him and hugged him.

"Mi Mi ! " I squealed, holding on to him.

"Hey! How are you doing? " Damian smiled.

" Good. How have you been?"

"Good... became a lawyer like I always wanted to." He smiled. He had some issues finding a major when we were in college. He finally became Pre-Law with me.

"Aww Mi Mi that's great!"

We talked for another 15 minutes and exchanged numbers. Char and I walked towards the exit yet again.

Char and I finally made it back to our car. We loaded all the bags we had into the trunk.

" Let's go to the spa! Call Journee and Camille! " She yelled excitedly.


I called them and they said they were on their way.We turned up the radio super loud and rode down the street just loving life and being happy. After the spa we went up to Char and Prodigy's room. We opened the door and had the surprise of our lives.

The guys were standing in there wearing white tuxedos and holding our favorite flowers. (Char's are pink roses, Mine are Orchids, Journee 's are Lilies and Camille 's are Chrysanthemums). Prodigy stepped forward.

" Char baby, I know we've only been dating for a short time but I'm falling for you..." Prodigy smiled.

"I I I I I I'm falling in love and I can't get up no!" Ray Ray sang in the background. We all glared at him.

"Just practicing for the concert in a couple of know?...our song I'm Falling...." He trailed off with an awkward cough.

" Anyways. Would you be my princess tonight?" Prodigy pouted.

"Of Course." She blushed.Roc stepped forward.

"Journee, You are everything I ever wanted in a woman. I want to know if you would make me the happiest man alive and go on a date with me tonight?"He smiled, showing his fangs. I couldn't help but smile.

"Aww most def Rocky. " She said, kissing him.

"Umm Camille. Would you maybe ugh wanna uhh go-" Ray Ray stuttered.

" No. " She interrupted with a serious face. She was about to get that ass beat. Ray's face fell.

"I'm just playing Rayan." She laughed.

"You are so mean,but you did get me good. I taught you well. " He laughed, hugging her.Prince walked over to me.

"Look (Y/N) ,I know I've messed up in the past but -"I cut him off. I made the decision to follow Char's advice. I placed a single finger on his lips.

"Shhh... That doesn't matter. Let's go on our second first date. " I smiled.

*********AN **********

Hey guys I know it's been awhile but I been going through some stuff.. Anyways Comment and Vote...tell me what you think.

Please check out Crystalshady for me. Thanks!! Love you guys.

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