Sweet Release

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[Your Pov]

I stuck my head out of my office door.

"Camry, you said I had four messages but you only told me three".

" I'm so sorry ma'am..... it's from Mr.August he wants you to come to MB's rehearsal at 4:30."

"Thanks Cam.You're the best."

She smiled sweetly at me. I walked back into my office and plopped down rather unladylike. I brushed my loose curls out of my face and did the only thing that gave me a semblance of peace....write. I grabbed the closest piece of paper I could find and started to put the very essence of what I was feeling on the paper.

"Me...just why me? Love has reared it's hideous head and stabbed me in the back. No one was there to protect me, little me. No fortresses or barricades. Not even a sign that says: Off limits. The pitiful looks and well placed words tip toe around the fact that I'm broken. Shattered in a million pieces like Mama's precious wedding china when hit by a baseball. Who will put me back together again huh? Who will care enough to break through the strong façade and strive to love me from the top of my head to the depth of my soul. I had that once, or so I thought. My undivided love and affection, he received with out hesitation or even a second thought. Me as naïve as could be opened my soul to him and me as naïve as could be watched as he stomped on it and cheapened my love with unfaithfulness and lies. Hmm, love reared it's ugly head and stabbed pretty deep."

I threw the paper down and watched as the pen flew across the room. Why can't stuff ever be easy? This was so simple in the beginning..... I loved him and he loved me that's all that mattered.

[Flashback ]

I stretched,trying to ignore the pain in my legs. The Bahamian sun shined in my face adding to my natural glow. Lifting my hand to tousle my already wild hair, I noticed the ring on my left ring finger. I actually got married yesterday.....I looked over at my husband sleeping peacefully and I sighed.

He was my angel. With a face so gorgeous it made me weak and a smile that made me dizzy, he was mine finally. Something I could call my own, someone who loved me for me and wasn't afraid to show me either. My angel was divine, I think crafted especially for me. My first everything, from boyfriend to kiss and as of last night, lover. He was the first and most definitely the last. He is the only one for me.

" Good Morning Baby."

The sleepy look in his eyes coupled with gruffness of his voice did something to me. Every cell in my body longed for him yet again.

"Hi." I nervously licked my lips and Princeton's gaze followed their journey from beginning to end. He half smiled and leaned in until our lips were a breath away. I bit my lip to hold in the moan that tried to escape...memories of last night flooded into my brain.

He had me on a level that no other man this earth could lay claim to. His hand traveled down to my bare thigh and he caressed the soft skin there. With every delicate stroke of his fingers, I fell deeper in love and my need became that much stronger.

"Mmmm Babe don't bite your lip that way...I can't promise to be gentle..."

I released my lip from my teeth slowly and before I could exhale, his lips were there. This time there was no holding back the low moan that rumbled in my throat. Not breaking the kiss he rolled me on top of him and placed his hands on my waist. The slow deliberate movement of his lips made my blood run hotter. I broke the kiss, regretfully I might add, and looked down into the depths of his beautiful chocolate eyes, a look of pure mischief shone in them.

"Mamí why'd you stop? I was having fun." He winked.

" Because Baby, your phone is ringing." I laughed. Princeton looked at his phone with an annoyed glare and reached over to get it.

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