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[Prince Pov ]

I went to gym the next morning. I left the boys,(Y/N) and the girls asleep. I was running on the treadmill listening my iPod when a lady came and got on the stationary bike in front of me.Dang she had a body.

.She must've felt me staring at her because she looked back and smiled. I smiled and waved at her and forced myself to focus on the music blaring through my earphones.

" Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. As a friend, as a friend , as an old enemy...."

Suddenly I was interrupted by the lady coming over and stopping the treadmill.

"Hey I saw you looking at me.... What's your name?" The lady said with a exuberant smile.

" You honestly don't know who I am? " I asked, slightly shocked.

" No?Should I?" She asked, confused.

"Princeton.... from Mindless Behavior?"

"Umm nope doesn't ring a bell." She said, shaking her head.

" Aye my girl, my girl she loves me." I sang, doing the dance moves.

" Ohhh I do know who you are!Age has done you well. I'm Melody by the way."

" Well thanks, you're not so bad yourself Melody. " I said, silenty cursing myself for saying that.

"So 'Princeton from Mindless Behavior' what are you doing after you leave here?"Melody said with a smile. That smile, lord have mercy.

"Going home to my wife and triplets. " I said getting out of my trance. I just made a promise, and at the moment, disregarding that promise is tempting as fuck right now.

" Ohhh that's nice.Well I will see you later." She frowned, even her frown is cute. What in the hell am I saying?! Get your shit together Jacob.


I put my earphones back in. I got lost in the music but I scream pulled me out of my trance. I looked up.It was Melody. She hurt her ankle on an elliptical. I hopped off the treadmill and ran to her .

"Melody are you okay? " I asked, a little too concerned.

" Yeah I'm fine I just went a little too hard on the elliptical. "

She tried to stand up and fell back down in pain. I had to help her.

"Look I think your ankle is sprained. We need to get you to the hospital."

" No Prince it's fine."

Her eyes widened as I picked her up bridal style.

"I'm taking you to the hospital and that's final." I said, walking towards the exit.

I took her to my car and drove her to the hospital. Her ankle was sprained. They wrapped it and gave her some crutches. We rode back towards the gym.

"Diid you drive to the gym or what?

"My house is right up the street so I walked." She replied.

I drove up to her house. I got out and walked around the car and opened her door. It was a long walk to the front door and an even farther walk on crutches so I picked her up again.

"You really gotta stop doing this,a girl could get used to being pampered like this. " She smirked.

"Whatever." I chuckled.

I walked her up to her front door. I stopped and allowed her to get her keys and unlock the door. I took her in her room and laid her on her bed.

"The doctor says for you to take these pain pills every six hours as needed. I put some water bottles on the night stand and here's the TV remote."

"Thanks for everything Prince."

" No worries.I put my number in your phone and call me if you need anything. "

" Thanks."

"What's wrong Mel?"

" I hate being hurt.I can't go any where and do anything for myself. "

"It'll be Okay."

I tickled her and she was laughing hysterically.

"Stop...Prince.. Prince stop!" Mel yelled between squeals.

I stopped tickling her. We laughed, then slowly we inched toward each other.... my lips touched hers and I immediately heard my mind yell at me to stop but couldn't. I suddenly pulled away from her.

"I'm so sorry."

I didn't even wait to hear what she said... I turned and ran out of her house... the sun was setting... normally it would fill me with Peace but the turmoil inside of me wouldn't allow it. I was growing feelings for Melody but it didn't take away any of the love that I have for (Y/N). I got in my car and drove away....headed no where.....

[Melody Pov ]

How could I have kissed a MARRIED MAN?! I feel horrible.... I'm definitely not the type to help someone cheat.... I have had it done to me too many times. I will not allow myself to hurt Princeton's wife as much as I've been in the past. But there's still no denying my feelings for Prince.... we definitely need to talk this out.... I rolled over and tried to get some sleep....What is wrong with me?

******AN *****

Really Prince? -_- I'm so disappointed in you. Poor Mel...she doesn't even know what she got herself into.....They need to get it together...

Comment the answers Please:

1. Do you think Mel is a good person for being guilty about it?

2. How will (Y/N) find out?

Y'all comment and tell me what you think!.... shout out to marvelousmonika for following me! y'all follow her!

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