Meeting Uncle Jonah

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[Tay Pov ]

Walking hand in hand with my sister we knocked on the door to our Uncle Jonah's cabin. He opened the door smiling.

" Lady Bug! " He smiled.

I chuckled at the nickname he told me he gave me the day I was born . He looked down at (Y/N)

" And my little Butterfly. " He sighed, obviously pleased.(Y/N) smiled back at him.

"I can't believe you are both here. I remember the day you hasn't been the same since then. Enough of all that, C'mon inside. " He chuckled.

We walked into Uncle Jonah's cozy place. Eventhough it's late summer, early fall it is chilly outside in the mountains. The fireplace with a burning flame inside added to the picturesque beauty of his house. We sat down on the soft suede couch across from Uncle Jonah's favorite La-z-boy chair.

Uncle Jonah brought us each a cup of hot cocoa and a picture album. We flipped through the hundreds of pictures of our family , smiling. When we finished going through the pictures, Uncle Jonah told us more about our mother.

" Your mother was beautiful and I see her in each of you. She was always rebellious and didn't really fit in up here in the small town scenery. The big bright lights of the big city called her. She was out of here a few days after her high school graduation. She met your father who got her experimenting with different drugs and she got hooked on Cocaine. After John killed Lucia, she entered rehab and turned her life around. She testified against John and he got life without parole. Life seemed like it was getting back to normal after she had you two. Then one day, she realized someone was coming after her and she made the hard decision to give you two up... it bothered her everyday of her life. "

By this time (Y/N) and I were in hysterics. We cried for our mother, for ourselves, for the life we missed out on. Finally our family is united and we can find out more about our past.

" C'mon... Let's go up to her room, I left it how it was when she died. "

We got up and walked up stairs and opened the door. We all stared in the room in horror. What we saw will never leave my memory.

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