Moving On

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[Your Pov]

Without looking back, I pressed the button that locked my black on black Porche. I've had it for about two weeks now, after becoming partner at Redfield, Vivaldi and (YLN) my car had to look the part. Mmm, the new name has a great ring to it huh? Oh! Silly me,I've left some very important things out! You probably noticed the fact that I went back to using my maiden name.

That what SINGLE women do. Boy, when Princeton saw those official papers that changed my name back, he was hotter than a Jalapeño on a Mississippi summer day. I'm loving the independent life. I sold the old house, which was given to me in the divorce settlement. My babies and I moved into a larger house closer to Mama Teresa. Luckily, they don't have to change schools and Jacobi is in daycare anyway. I'm not trying to rush into relationship but I am on the look out.

I mean I am 26...I gotta live just a little bit. Straightening my blazer, I stepped onto the near empty elevator. I rode up to the top floor to guessed it- penthouse office! God I love being a partner. I worked hard to get here and now that I'm here, I'm going to make a difference.

Getting here was definitely hard.... being a woman-a mixed woman at that,didn't help. Another thing, Tay and I did research on our father.... not only was he drug dealing and prostituting girls, he was son of an Italian Mafia leader. The name he used was an alias. His real name was De'Angelo Carrolini. Black and Italian,hell of a mixture huh? I smiled as I walked past my assistant Camry.

"Good Morning, Ms. (YLN). Here's your latte. You have four messages. One from a Mr.Daniel Simmons, he wants to meet for lunch. This one is from a Mr. Craig Crippen, he called to say congrats again and don't forget about the triplets' play tonight at 5:30. The last one is from a Mr. Jacob Perez, he said it's urgent and he needs you to call him ASAP. " Camry smiled. relaying my messages.

I rolled my eyes upward... he will not go away. I sighed, I have a briefing for the newest case in forty-five minutes,more than enough time to tell your Ex-Husband to take a hike.

"Cam, confirm lunch with Mr.Simmons and put Mr. Perez on line three. "

"Yes ma'am. The information on the Baker case is on your desk also. I planned for the flower shop to send Ms.Teresa orchids, for her birthday tomorrow. "

"Thanks Camry! You're a lifesaver!"

"No problem Ms.(YLN)."

I walked into my office and shut the door. Placing my headset on, I listened to the phone ring.

" Hello?"

I shivered...his morning voice still has that affect on me. I rolled my eyes at the realization. How the hell am I still attracted to someone who treats me horribly?!

"You called?" I said dead-pan.


"Look I would just love to chat all day with you but I have important things to do. " I said with more than enough attitude.

"Oh..uh I'm sorry ba-(Y/N). Um What kind of juice does Jacobi like?" He stuttered.

This nigga seriously called me about some damn JUICE?

" He's three, he pretty much drinks everything but water".

" Uhh thanks...have a good day."

"Yeah Yeah whatever Bye."

I slammed the headset against the desk and looked out at the busy Los Angeles morning. The real reason I'm pissed is because I can't ignore the fact that I still have feelings for him.I rubbed my hand down my face and leaned on the edge of the desk.

Now if I could figure out how to get rid of those feelings I would be all set. Like my aunt used to always say, the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one. Of course she was pretty much the town hoe, she does have a valid point. I need to move on.

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